Day Four

Oh, C! I am so sorry! I HATE it when an entry gets deleted like that. You can never write it the same way the second time. *gosh*

Wednesday, 01/10/2006, Day 4:

Nothing spectacular to report today. My headache is completely gone, and I think I am getting used to this whole fruit and veggie thing. The office went out for lunch today, and I even found a yummy strawberry vinegarrette salad! Mmmm...

A couple developments:

Last night, B and I had a HUGE fight about all the little stuff that has been building up. He said that the Lord had actually been showing him the stuff he was doing, and he had been praying about it. I told him I really was doing my best in the areas where I am lacking, but that I will continue to pray to do better.

Anyways, it made for a late night and some great make-up sex. Ha!

Then at lunch today, FB (GB's wife) talked about what the Lord has been sharing with her during her quiet times:

She is a giver. She loves giving to people and "sewing her seed." But the Lord has been showing her that everybody goes through a cycle of sewing, waiting, and harvesting. She said that the Lord told her that she is coming into her season of harvesting (or reaping) and that she needs to prepare her "soil" for the harvest. As the harvest come up, if there is trash and junk everywhere, then it can hinder the growth.

She said this applies both spiritually and physically - that while she has been praying for the Lord to prepare her HEART, she has also been working to prepare her HOME. The Lord told her to clean out her "junk" from her home. Go through cabinets and closets and prepare the "soil" of her home for the coming "harvest."

I felt complete confirmation with this Word as she was sharing it. And I think, perhaps, this is why the Lord has been moving me to clean out my home also. I already have 2-3 boxes of "stuff" that I am getting rid of. Not to mention all the garbage bags that are being moved out every week.

While I still believe that I am to "improve" my home for the next person to live there. I really feel like the "organization" of my home is in preparation for whatever the Lord has for me this year (or this summer...?).

Anyways, those are the things that the Lord has been showing me today.


I spent a good hour this morning playing with my baby. On her play mat, she has finally realized that "if I move my legs like this, I will kick the toys and make them move." Before, she would "accidentally" kick the toys and watch them, but now I can see a definite purpose in her movements.

I also read her a book today that has little paper flaps that open and close. The flaps take up half the page and are really easy to turn. After about the second page, I noticed her sitting up to peer over the flap to see what was on the other side. Then after about the fourth page, she reached up and pulled the flap down herself!

It's so amazing! I always underestimate what she is capable of doing. And then when she does it, I am amazed! My little baby is growing up much too fast!


Well, it's about time to go home; so I suppose I will say goodbye.

Going to church tonight at NC again. I really enjoy it, and tonight the female pastor is preaching.

LA, the lady who works at the front desk in my office, is going with me. We are both going for veggie platters at Cracker Barrell beforehand. Yum YUM!

Have a great evening!

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