New Layout... and Day Four

Okay. It took me all afternoon to get this right, but I think I finally have the layout! The "Exit" link doesn't work yet, but I will figure out what to put there soon...

Thursday, 02/01/2007, Day 4 Water-Only:

Only one day left until I get to eat! *woot* Nothing extremely exciting happening (that I can see). I taught in youth group last night.

It was one of those times when the Lord changed everything I was going to say at the last minute. So I felt a bit scatter-brained through the whole teaching.

That can mean one of two things... I was ACTUALLY as random as I FELT like I was... or... the Holy Spirit was speaking THROUGH me and it was coming out A LOT BETTER than I thought it was.

After talking with SS (who sat in on the lesson) and after praying about it, I think it was the latter.

Worship was good again. There is definitely a "curiosity" in the atmosphere... like the kids are wondering about the whole Holy Spirit thing. I can't WAIT to see what the Lord is going to do over this next year.

Anyways... not much going on today. School is out because of the ice. So CJ is home with her daddy today. It's nice that they both get some time together. B is so busy right now, he will go entire days without even seeing her awake.

Hopefully, that will change soon. He might be quitting his paint store job if everything on this other jobs comes through. Then he will have mornings off (when CJ is at home) and I will have someone to watch her while I run errands! *woot* It would be so nice if we could both stay home together in the mornings.

Anyways... Going to DayStar tomorrow. *woot* I CAN NOT WAIT!

Also, I asked my boss yesterday about going to the MorningStar Women's Conference. It's a weekend that I really don't want to miss, but that SS is also going to. Since we are now the only two girls running the commercial department here, it would be unheard of for both of us to take two days off at the same time.

But... GB is a Christian... and so I said to him... "I really feel like I am supposed to be going to this conference, but I also know that I supposed to submit to your authority on this. So pray about it and let me know if you think it is okay for both of us to go!"

So... we shall see.

I guess that's it for today.

Okay LADIES... I STILL don't know what happened on the retreat. PLEASE give me DETAILS!

AB... I am praying for you. Hold fast to the promises the Lord has given you because "He who has begun a good work in you will not stop until the day of completion." *hugs*

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