DNOW reflections

I would just like to say that the Lord takes care of me.

Last week, He told me to go on a financial fast. I'm on the same fast this week.

Nothing above basic necessities. No eating out. No fancy groceries. Just the basics.

And I just found out this morning...

We never received my 02/17 paycheck. Nobody in our office did. The paycheck company screwed up, and nobody got paid last week.

Do you know how many checks I would have bounced if I had spent money like I wanted to last week?


That's all I have to say.


... and Praise God.


The weekend went really well. The ministry both evenings turned into a very prophetic time where I think the girls were really blessed.

Ginger, a lady I am becoming friends with, came both nights, and we found out we work REALLY well together in ministry settings.

She would see a picture and give a prophetic word, and I would be getting the same word with a different picture. It was awesome! We even both knew which girl should be going next in the prophetic time.

The last session we did was to promote unity in the group, but ended up being an incredibly prophetic time.

We sat one girl in a chair in the middle of the group, and we would all pray for her. The Lord gave me and Ginger a word for EVERY girl.

The only other time I have been in a session like that was on the SL retreats, and I was on the receiving end of those prophecies. So it's really cool to be on the delivery end too!

All in all, I am EXHAUSTED today, but I wouldn't give up this weekend for all the sleep in the WORLD!


But, after a weekend like this, when I have emptied myself out into these girls, I have an incredible desire to be poured into.

I have put that desire on the backburner in the past and considered it "selfish" to pray for that.

I don't know where that mindset came from.

Because, now, the Lord is teaching me that this is how His kingdom is supposed to work - I get poured into so I can pour into others so I can have room to be poured into so I can pour into others... you get the idea.

So, I'm praying for some "me" time with the Lord pretty soon. This Friday night we are all meeting at Pastor A's house to meet with his wife about our upcoming Wednesday night series.

We are doing a six-week girls-only series on "Captivating." I am TOTALLY stoked!

BUT, today, I feel too tired and drained to even think about brainstorming for that.

So, if you ladies will pray with me, I am praying for an extra measure of God this week. A double portion of whatever it is that He's going to pour into me.

I NEED Him this week. I'm too tired to do ANYTHING for Him on my own. Even thinking about Friday night (which usually excites me) makes me want to cry because I'm so tired.

So I really need God to pour into me in a BIG way this week.

I need rest. And peace. And an extra helping of Him.


And I suppose that's all I really have to talk about today.

So I'll say adeu (or however you spell that).


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