A Taste of the Dream...

So I have come to a decision today...

I want to be a full-time wife and mom.

CJ woke up this morning with a stuffy nose. She wasn't in a good mood, and I didn't know how sick she really was... so I didn't go into work.

I prayed about it beforehand, I felt the Lord tell me to take the day off.

She ended up not being that sick, and I actually think the runny/stuffy nose could be due to teething.

So I got to spend the entire day taking care of her, cleaning my house, and walking around the neighborhood.

And after today... I definitely could be a full-time mom.

There are things I could do to make money...

Those two girls at church want me to give them voice lessons. Their parents have already agreed to $30/hour and 1hour/week each. That's $60/week that I would be making.

If I could find a few more "students"... or maybe teach some beginning flute lessons.

So there are things I could find to use up some of my free time. But at least then I would have the OPTION to have a day like today - at home with my baby girl.

It's really what I want to do.

And I could cook really good meals because I wouldn't have to do all "make-ahead" or "30-minute" meals. I could make stews and home-made sauces and juicy meats that have to roast all day. And my house would be clean, because I would have time to do the deep cleaning stuff that I always seem to skimp on. And I wouldn't be tired and stressed when my hubby gets home. And I would get more time with my little girl. And I could get more excersize in because I wouldn't be stressed about time constraints.

I could do it.

It would be awesome.


B says that, in order for me to stay home, and in order for us to "live comfortably" (his words, not mine), he would need to make at least $3800 a month.

Right now he makes $1600.


So I'm going to start believing the Lord for increase in B's finances.

When Judy Jacobs came to NC, one of the things that she prophesied over those of us who were on stage was this: She said that in the first quarter of this year, there would be an increase in our business. Then in the second quarter, there would be even more of an increase. Then by the third quarter, even more increase. So that by the fourth quarter, we would be walking in overflow.

I have been asking God about that word because March 31 would be the end of the first quarter, and thus far, we had not seen an increase.

But B got a call today, and another contract opened up for him. He is really excited about it because, while it will be a bit of a hassle in the beginning, it will actually be "easy money" for him. He is hiring a guy to do the work, and he is keeping a percentage of the money for "management fees."

He is all excited about it. With his first check, he's going to apply for an LLC (something we have been wanting to do for the duplexes anyway) and getting General Liability insurance.

And so this is the first increase during the first quarter of this year... I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do during the rest of the year.

My DESIRE is to quit work by summertime.

With my physical eyes, I can see that is not possible.

But I also know that my God loves impossible odds... because it gives Him more glory when it actually happens.

June 1.

That's what I'm believing for.

"This is the year of suddenly, suddenly."

That's a word that was spoken to me this week.

"This is the year of suddenly, suddenly."

And I see those dominos continuing to line up.

June 1.

That's what I'm believing for.

That's when my duplex will be ready.

That's the EXACT date that I WANT to close on my house.

I'm speaking it out tonight.

Two weeks ago, I was praying for the Lord to teach me how to contend for the blessing.

He said, "When do you want your house?"

I said, "I want to close on the house on June 1."

He said, "Then fast every week between now and then. I will tell you what to fast, and you be obedient. Believe. Believe. Believe."

So... it's not that the Lord said, "You will have your house on June 1."

But, it IS what He has instructed me to believe for.

And, somehow, I am finding it very easy to believe it.

Like, I have accepted it.

I was cleaning up the kitchen today and thinking about how nice it would be to have a bigger kitchen and time at home to cook in it...

And, almost out of instinct, I thought, "Well, it's only a couple more months."

hehe... then I smiled... because I knew that the Lord has been building my faith in this matter.

But, at the same time, I have a total peace about it all.

Like, I WANT the house to be ours by summertime. That is what I am BELIEVING for, PRAYING for, FASTING for, PLANNING for... but I also realize that, even without the house, God is God.

We will get the house some day... because God is a God of His Word.

Anyways...sorry for the rambling.

Today just gave me a very small taste of what my life COULD be like... and I REALLY liked it.

I REALLY liked it, Lord. REALLY.

Now I know what I'm contending for.

Thank you for today.

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