
We are starting our Captivating series at church tonight, and I am PUMPED!

SS and I are in charge tonight, and I think we basically have everything nailed down.


My part of the message.

She is talking about how Eve is the Crown of Creation. How all the beauty of all of creation is missing something without feminine beauty. We are the crown, the finish touch, the piece de resistence, the grande finale in the creation story. We are the crown.

Then comes my part...

"The Crown Rests"

This is the phrase that the Lord gave to us as we were discussing the chapter.

And this is what the Lord has been teaching me ALL YEAR.

But... I'm not really sure what EXACTLY I'm going to say. And when I sit down and try to write it out, I immediately get the sense that I am on my own. So I stop, and pray...

Despite the fact that I only have a very loose idea of what I am going to be talking about, I am at total peace. It's weird... and kind of exciting... like the Lord has a big surprise for everybody tonight that He doesn't even want me knowing about. *woot*

But, given that I am going to be getting up in front of a roomfull of middle and high school girls in less than 4 hours, I should probably nail down some general ideas. So here are some of the things that have been stirring in my spirit as I have been thinking and praying about the upcoming night....

Don't strive.

All the power and longing that beauty inspires is displayed most prominently in a woman at rest in God. This woman says to the world, "All is well."

But a woman who is striving and stressed out says to the world, "All is not well."

What are you striving for?

Worldy beauty?

These desires reflect the image of God. (We will talk about that on another night).

God desires to be loved, accepted, beautiful.

But to where are you turning to find that acceptanc, love, and beauty? Because THAT will determine whether you are at rest or striving.

Search for those things in God, and you will find fulfillment and rest.

Search for them from the world, from your friends, your boyfriends, your parents, you grades, your clear skin, your long hair... anywhere other than God... you will be striving.

If you search ANYWHERE but in the arms of God, your crown-of-creation beauty will be masked by stress and anxiety and anger and hurt and discontent.

That's it.

That's all I've got.


Lord, I'm sure glad that you are a God of your word and that you are going to show up tonight.

I can't wait! *woot*

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