A final salute to the week...

Just got a call from B, and there is a possibility of another contract opening up for him in the HOTlanta area. *woot*


I am really excited about this weekend.

As I was praying over my calendar a couple weeks ago, the Lord told me to write "NOTHING" in BIG BOLD LETTERS on my calendar for this weekend.

I figured it was just because I scheduled a really busy two weeks leading up to this weekend, and I would be really tired.

But I rested most of the day yesterday, out of obedience. So I feel energized today.

And so I have been thinking, "What am I going to DO this weekend?"

I can clean house and do laundry. But I will be done with all that by noon on Saturday.

Still, I felt a sense of anticipation for the weekend, even though I thought I might be bored...


A few minutes ago, SS came in to my office talking about this "amazingly awesome book" that I "just HAAAVE to read."

It's called " Hinds' Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard.

So, after borrowing it from her, and after only glancing over a couple pages, I am REALLY stoked about reading it this weekend!

So, since B will be out working on the new contract all evening, here is my plan tonight:

Go pick up my little girl. Play with her. Feed her oatmeal and banana baby food. Give her a bath. Give her a massage. Rock her to sleep. Order chineses food. Take a bath while waiting for the delivery man (since he usually takes about 45min. to get to me anyways). And then curl up on the couch with a good book.

*woo hooooo* I can't tell you how excited I am about all this!


I just talked with B.... he says that if this second contract goes through, he can FINALLY get another car. It's SO far past time for him.

I drove his car last Friday for the first time in months, and OH MY WORD. The breaks make an awful grinding noise, there are several loose belts that squeel every time the gas petal is pushed, almost all of the air seals are broken or missing which causes an AWFULLY LOUD SOUND while driving, the CD player is jammed, which doesn't matter much anyways considering his speakers are blown... it's just awful.

Not to mention the fact that it's very inconvenient when I need him to take CJ somewhere or pick her up after work. There is NO WAY IN THIS WORLD we would let her ride in that car. And so we have been believing for the Lord to provide him with an SUV. And if he gets this second contract, we can finally get him one. *woot*


So those are the main things that are on my mind this afternoon: An amazing weekend, an amazing husband, and an amazing God who provides both.

...not to mention the cutest baby in the world! (Though I might be slightly biased).


Three more contracts like these, and I can quit work. *eeeeek* I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do in the next six months.

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