Boogity Boogity Boo

Not much time to write. I'm working full time at the front desk this week.


I'm TOTALLY sure now that I don't want to EVER work full time, as long as I have kids.

Not cool, not cool at all.


There isn't much going on in life right now. We're still working out the details of all those contracts. I'm just continuing to pray for favor and wisdom for B, and for the right people to show up at the right time for the job.


It's beautiful weather here today. High near 80. Isn't that great? I'm wearing flip flops, and I do believe they are changing my perspective on life.

I am so very excited about this summer that the warm weather makes me want to CHEER!!!

Whether or not it is the house, there is SOMETHING cool happening in June. I can just FEEL it. *woot*

And JUNE is not that far away.

AAAAANNNNDDDDDD... between now and June, I get to go to Vegas and to the Beach. There's Easter and two baby dedications.

Just lots of exciting stuff happening over the next couple months.


Okay. I'm going to get to work now.

C, how 'bout an update? That would be fabulous, dahling!

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