This week's "fast"

Happy day after Easter, everybody!

Our holiday went fairly well. I was exhausted by the end of it, so much so that I think I got the beginnings of a migraine. I haven't had one in a very long time, but when I woke up this morning, it was much worse than yesterday.

But, SS prayed for me when I got to work, and I am beginning to realize that it could be an attack; so I've been praying too. It's still a dull ache now, but not the full-blown migraine I thought it would be by this point.

And the reason for the attack?

This week's fast.

This week, the fast is "a horse of a different color" as they say.

I have been praying all weekend about what food item or items I should fast, but hearing nothing from the Lord.

Until this morning, all morning, a song/scripture has been in my head.

"I beseech you therefore brethren, in view of the mercies of God, to present yourself as a living sacrifice."

"This is my worship to you, to present myself as a living sacrifice."

And so, as I continued about my morning, this song/verse kept coming up. Then I heard the Lord say, "Did you not know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit?"

And so I feel like, for this week, my "fast" is simply this: Make healthy decisions for my body, as a sacrifice and worship for the Lord.

Actually, I'm not even sure if that can be called a fast, but it's what I feel the Lord leading me to do. So that's what I'm going to do.

So far, I haven't done terribly today. Lots of water. And I'm going to do a spin class after work.

I'm a little nervous about it. I should definitely be going to the beginner's spin, but it doesn't start until 6:45pm. The regular spin starts right after I get off work. So I'm going to go to it, but I have a feeling that the bike is going to kick my butt.

Speaking of being healthy, I saw a picture of myself during my senior year in high school.




I was so thin!

I think I have always had a "fat" mentality. I've always thought of myself as bigger than everybody else.

And I am, now.

But back then, I still considered myself to be the "big girl" of my group, even though I really wasn't. I look at pictures now, and I was smaller than some of my friends, and the same size as a lot of them. Only the "jocks" were smaller than me.

Isn't that weird that I still thought of myself as fat?

And now, I think my mindset is the opposite. Like, I don't realize how big I have gotten, until I see pictures of myself. Then I think, "Oh my gosh! How did I let myself get so BIG?!"

It's weird - the whole self-perception thing. I think my self-esteem is the same today as it was when I was 100lbs lighter. But my self-perception is different. Still screwed up, but different.

So, anyways, I saw that picture last night, and I realized that it IS possible for me to be skinny. I lost that weight before, and I CAN lost it again.

So, with that new insight, as well as my new "fast" instructions from the Lord, I'm going to kick my own butt and get in shape! (For real, this time.)

So. That's it for now, I suppose.

I have a lot more to talk about, but I'm too tired right now.

Example of future potential entries:

~My grandpa from Canada is in town for a visit.

~B's grandpa is also home - from prison - after 12 years. Yeah.

~Had a long conversation with my mom, after her four days of "pouting" that followed our "little talk."

~The crazy weather.

~My unnatural love for all cereals.

Okay. That's it.

Toodle Pip.

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