So... funny story.

SS and I have started working out at the YMCA 2-3 times a week. About three weeks ago, we decided to try out a cycling class. It was 1 hour long, and we figured we would stay for 1/2 hour or so because we both had errands to run before we went home.

But when we got into the room, we realized that we both had forgotten our phones and watches. There were no clocks in the room; so we had no way of telling how long we had been in there. We decided we could estimate it, and we started cycling.

Let me tell you, this class KICKED MY BUTT! It was SO difficult.

We pushed and peddled and huffed and puffed and sweated and cringed... for AT LEAST 30 minutes... or so we thought. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we literally fell off our bikes and wabbled into the hallway. I could barely stand up, my legs were so shaky.

We left and went up to the weight room...

and it had only been 12 minutes.


We were thoroughly embarrassed. hee hee.


But I tell you that story for a much more "spiritual" purpose.

I have been very discouraged recently. I feel like I can prophetically see pieces of where the Lord is taking us, His church, and me, individually. I see what He is capable of doing, and what He promises He will do.

But I don't see any of it with my physical eye.

And I have felt condemned.

Maybe I'm not fasting enough.

Maybe I don't have enough faith.

Maybe I'm just not "miracle material."

Why would the Lord show me this stuff if He's not going to DO it?

I have really struggled with this question. And I have really felt discouraged with myself about my lack of whatever is necessary to see things happening "on earth as in Heaven."

But, today, the Lord reminded me of a FlyLady saying (flylady.con): "Progress, not Perfection."

And the Lord reminded me of the cycle class.

It was SO DIFFICULT that first day. But if I kept going back every day, then in a couple months, 15 minutes wouldn't seem that difficult. I might even be able to do 30 minutes by then.

But my goal is 1 hour.

And with that goal in mind, 30 minutes could still be considered "failing," even though I would be going longer and harder than I was that first day.

And I felt like the Lord was saying this:

"Progress, not perfection.

No, you have not 'arrived.'

And, yes, you still have a ways to go.

But, I am pushing you and stretching you, and YOU ARE MAKING PROGRESS!

So keep pressing towards the goal, but don't be discouraged where you are.

You are where you should be.

You are working how you should.

And you are making progress!

It's hard because it's supposed to be hard.

But just because it's hard doesn't mean it's wrong.

It's stretching and strengthening your muscles."

And I even see how this plays into the whole thing that happened with Carrie.

He stretched our faith to believe for resurrection (the word "stretch" is the exact word He spoke to several of us).

But, just like when you're losing weight, just because you have a good work out one time, and just because you are sore the next day, doesn't mean you've lost the 50lbs you wanted to lose.

And I feel like He stretched our faith and really gave us a spiritual workout. But after it was all said and done, I was sore and saw no results.

But it's progress.

A year ago... no... six months ago... I would have thought those resurrection-believers were crazy and just needed to let her go. But He called me to believe... "WORK OUT [my] faith with fear and trembling."

Gosh! Like the way our legs were trembling when we got off those bikes!!!!

Revelation! Wow!

It's progress.

"But when perfection comes, we will see Face to Face."

The main thing, after a good workout, is to go back the next day and do it all over again.

I still might not see results.

But over time, and with much more working out, the pounds will start to slowly come off, and I will see results!!!


Isn't it awesome when God starts connecting some of the pieces?

Okay... I have to get back to work now.

Oh... remind me later to tell you about stuff at work!


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