
Ok... so I have updated to a Gold Membership on Diaryland because I was sick of waiting to update.

So now you can leave me comments at the bottom of each entry. For those of you who care, you can email me your email address ([email protected]) and I will put you on a list that receives a notification every time I post. That way, you don't have to check my site 3249867431 times a day... because I just KNOW that all my adoring fans LIVE for my next entry (note the sarcasm).

So, cool beans. Now that I've fiddled around with this so much, I don't feel like posting a real entry, which kind of stinks because I had a good one.

Notes for future posts:
-starting counseling on Tuesday (and all that entails)
-my beautiful baby sitting up and saying "dada" and "dog" (no "mama" yet)

Okay... so... I'm home alone w/ baby tonight. Maybe I will update then.

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