And the cycle completes itself once again.

I'm trying to get a lot of things wrapped up here at work; so I only have a minute.

B and I got in one of our record fights last night.


Nothing was really resolved.

Except that I NEVER want to have to call his friends to find out where he is EVER again.

He agreed to that much, at least.

And I don't need to yell.

I agreed to that much.

Other than that, I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

There are priority issues here.

I think our views of where things fall on that list of priorities differ greatly.

But you all have heard this same ol' fight before.

So I won't repeat the whole thing.

It sucks.

I'll leave it at that.

Totally sucks.

But we talked until I was blue in the face.

And nothing really changed.

Nobody really switched sides.

And there wasn't really even a compromise reached.

The status quo remains.

And we ALL know that isn't working.


For now.

I'll suck it up and pray.

I'll pray that God will change our hearts.

I'll pray that if I need to change, the Lord will show me and give me new desires and a new outlook on this whole situation.

And I'll pray the same thing for B.

In the meantime, I'll pray that the Lord helps me to accept what I need to accept.

And I'll pray that the Lord heals back what was torn last night.


That's it for today.

I'm drained.

And really too busy.


Have a great weekend, everybody.

Happy Mother's Day!!

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