
So, my first "official" mother's day has come to an end.

It was wonderful.

B got up with CJ this morning; so I got to sleep in until 9am!!

Then he made a pancake breakfast for me.

Then I sat in church between my husband and my mom.

We all went to lunch.

We came home and played video games.

We took a nap.

I had ice cream and pop corn for dinner.

B gave me a Starbucks gift card.

My mom gave me some yummy lotions and bath washes and creams and good stuff like that.

It was a good day, over all.

I also gave myself permission to have a messy house. So I didn't clean anything.

It's the first day in FOREVER that I haven't worried about the house.

It was rather refreshing.


So. That's all I really have to talk about today.

Church was good.

Pastor talked about Mary and Martha.

I had a difficult time, in the beginning, trying to figure out what his "angle" was on the two women.

And it wasn't until the end that I realized what he was saying:

Both when Jesus was at their house and when Lazurus died, here is what happened:

Martha demanded an explanation, and that is all she got.

Mary was desperate for Jesus, and she lead people to witness a miracle.


Something for me to be praying about.

Maybe I will talk about it more later.

I think I'm going to go watch "Punk'd" with my husband now.


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