The Hunt Is On... Again

Well, it is officially time for change.

My hubby and I have been discussing the possibility of me changing jobs for a while.

I need to go back full time.

We really need to money.

And I need a serious raise.

There has been a possibility here for quite a while now that both of those things would happen.

But the lady who originally thought she was leaving, is not leaving. And GB does not feel like it's right to fire her.

So there will be no raises this year.

And I can work no more than 25 hours a week.

So, I either get a second job that pays a butt-load of money.

Or I find a new job entirely.

I have a feeling it will be the second.

I have prayed about finding this job in the past, and I have not really heard anything from the Lord.

As you know, He told me a couple months ago, "Get ready, you will not be where you are much longer."

So, last night, I asked him again if I should look for another job. His response: "It's time."

I sent off three resumes this morning, including one I hand delivered.

I will continue looking around.

I need $15/hour minimum.

Preferably $16/hour.

I know that's a lot, but that will be the only thing that makes it worth my while.

I have to pay for childcare. And if I work full time with my current salary, all of my extra money will be going straight to child care.

I am praying and believing for enough money to pay a nanny/maid to come every weekday morning to keep my baby and do basic cleaning.

And in order to do that, I have to make AT LEAST $15/hour.

So. That's that.

Don't ask me if this is what I want because, honestly, I have no idea.

But it's what is necessary right now.

And apparently it's what the Lord wants.

So, I'm moving forward until I find an open door.

Please be praying for our wisdom and discernment in this situation. Pray that I will move in God's perfect timing and that He will SLAM SHUT any door that I am not supposed to walk through.

I'm off to look at job openings in the area.

Toodle Pip.

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