Weight loss diary, my dad, my church, and my baby.

So... I have started the video diary; though it is not edited and on YouTube yet. I will be sure to post the link as soon as it is up.

I just can't seem to figure out my editing software. Pooh. I might have to get B to help me on this first one. We'll see.

In a related story... my dad emailed me this morning. whaCheck out t he said:

"Good Morning Princess!

I hope you had a good weekend and I trust CJ is feeling better. I
will be home this weekend. I will be at the lake at least part of the weekend. N is supposed to come help me clean the camper one day. I will let you know.

In the meantime I have, what I hope, is an interesting proposition for you.

I really need to lose a few pounds and I need a sponsor/partner to help keep me on track. Are you interested in the job? I have set a time line that ends at Thanksgiving for this adventure. If you are interested, we can work out the details this weekend. I will start this on next Monday (This will give me a week to splurge and get my "game face"). My goal is 50lbs...that should get me below XXXlbs. (now that is TOP SECRET information!!!!)

I know you have a lot of other stuff going on... but I think having you hold me accountable would really help me..... so give it some thought.

I Love You


How random is that?!

Actually, I think it sounds pretty interesting. My dad and I are both larger people. He has been overweight for most of his adult life. He has been through stages - like when he was planning to go on a cruise - where he went on the Atkins diet and lost a bunch of weight.

But then, like after all his other diets, he gained it all back as soon as he came back from vacation.

Still, we have never "talked" about our weight issues. I mean, my dad and I talk about pretty surface-y stuff. The weather, school, work, CJ, etc.

So I'm interested to see how this weight-loss thing pans out. It is really precious to me that he has reached out to me about this. He even told me how much he weighs!! How crazy is that??!!

Anyways, I emailed him back and said that I was interested in such a "partnership" and that we could discuss it further this weekend.


Quite an interesting turn of events.


The weekend was good. AB and AG came to see me on Saturday, and we had a good time just hanging out and catching up.

Then Judy Jacobs came to NCWC yesterday. As always, she was amazing.

Darlene Bishop will be there tonight. I still haven't decided if I'm going. I might just buy the cd's of the entire week's speakers. We shall see.


My baby said "mama" this weekend, as well as "nana."


I'm very excited about these new developments!!!


Okay... sorry for the lame update. I really don't have too much more to talk about.


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