The Call - Part 2

So... where did I leave off?

Oh yes, we had just gotten married to Jesus (Doesn't that just sound awesome?!)

Then they announced that they had several tents behind the stage in which people could come to receive prayer for healing and special prophetic words.

I really felt impressed to go get a word specifically for B.

So I did.

And after standing in a HOT LOOOOONG CROWDED line for TWO FLIPPIN' HOURS...

I finally made it up to one of the prophetic groups.

I did get a word for B and for myself and for us as a couple... I will type it word-for-word in a later entry...

But during the time that I was standing in line, they began (once again) to talk about abortion and, primarily, adoption.

Lou Engle received a word about two Dr.Seuss books.

The first one, "Horton Hears a Who" is about abortion. The second one, "Horton Lays an Egg" is about adoption. You can read the whole prophetic word here:

In "Horton Hears a Who," there is an elephant named Horton who finds a village of tiny people call "Who's." They are so tiny that nobody else can hear them, but because Horton has such big ears, he can hear them. There is a kangaroo who does not believe Horton about the little people, and because he cannot see them or hear them, threatens to kill them. Horton saves them from the Kangaroo.

Lou Engle says that the Who's represent the little babies, and the Kangaroo represents the U.S. Government. Just because we cannot hear or see them, the government says they do not exist. Horton represents the church, who has big ears to hear the babies and a long trumpet to sound the alarm that they do exist.

Then there is "Horton Lays and Egg." It is about a bird who lays an egg but does not want to take care of it. So she flies away. Then Horton comes and sits on the egg, and when it hatches, it is a tiny elephant with wings.

Lou says that once abortion is made illegal, the church must gain a spirit of adoption in order to make a place for all those babies. He says that this book represents that spirit of adoption - that the church (Horton) will adopt these babies, and in turn, those babies will take on the traits of the church (Hence, the baby elephant with wings).

We then repented for allowing the government, through the foster care system, to do what the church should have been doing.

I wasn't really even praying during that part as much as listening (because, remember, I was still standing in line). But, once again, during this time, I started having labor pains - even worse than the first time!!!!

(I still haven't completely figured out what all that was about, except that the Lord has spoken to me about adoption since I was in high school.)

(As an aside, I will say this... I am seriously wondering if the "ministry" that we will have in our huge house has to do with this whole adoption thing...)

So then we had another time of worship and general prayer and praise.

Finally, at about 8pm, came the final portion of the night.

A man got up and began to talk about a dream he had received from the Lord in 1999 (or was it 1989?) about "The Sons of Thunder."

I can't describe the whole thing, but you can find it here:

It basically says two things: First, there will be a new sound released into the earth that will have an even greater impact than The Beatles had. (It's interesting to note that it was exactly on 07/07/1967 that The Beatles released their hit "All You Need Is Love" in the U.S.).

Second, the Lord is calling a specific group of Musicians/Evangelists in which to release this sound. They will be called the Sons (and Daughters) of Thunder.

Then, 300 Shofars were marched down the aisles and blasted seven times!

It was one of the most awesome sounds I have ever heard in my life.

The last hour of the fast was comprised of unique music, drums, shofars, and voices from across the stadium. It was INCREDIBLE worship!!!

And that was the end of the day.

Lou is now calling for a 21-Day media fast during the "honeymoon" period of our wedding. (There are 19 days left in the fast.)

I personally am fasting Cable and all non-essential internet use.

I will be updating here (obviously) as well as checking everyone's diaries. I will also be checking email and

Aside from that, I will NOT be doing facebook, myspace, etc.

So... it was an incredible day, and I'm still processing some of the stuff that went on.

There are several more "The Call" fasts going on across the nation over the next 18 months.

Check out for a schedule of dates and places, and let me know if you are interested in going.

I think I plan to go to (at least) the ones in Atlanta and Washington D.C.

Ok... I'll be back later to transcribe the personal prophetic time, and then I will be back on a regular updating schedule.

Love you all!

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