Telling the Boss...

So... I think I am going to be sick.

SS, who also works in my department, has felt led of the Lord to start leaving work every day at 2pm.

She wants to start this the same week I'm leaving.

We really couldn't think of the "right" way to tell this to GB.

So we're all having a meeting together on Monday afternoon... including GB's wife, we hope.

I feel really nervous about this... almost sick.

It's not that I'm doubting my decision... it's just that this agency has been a part of my life (and, I thought, my future) for three years now.

I think I am leaving for good this time... that is what is so scary.

Because... what am I going to do now?

This job has defined me, to a certain extent.

It's just weird.

That's all.

Really weird.

Ok... bye.

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