The Pending Meeting...

Well... I'm here at work... the meeting is set.

GB's wife is coming in this afternoon, and when she gets here, we are all going to meet.


I'm really nervous...and kind of excited.

9 hours a week.

That's all that I'll have to be out of the house.

I mean... of course I WILL be out of the house more... but not for work or school...

I'll be taking my baby to the library... and the park... and the zoo... and to get her picture taken... and to visit my grandparents.

I'll be cleaning house and finishing up my remodeling stuff.

I CAN NOT tell you how VERY excited I am about the whole thing!!!

I was praying last night, and I felt the Lord tell me to get back on my FlyLady routine.

This time, I really need to WORK at adapting her program to my schedule.

That's why it didn't stick before... it didn't fit CJ's sleep/eat schedule.

So I'm going to sit down and write out a workable schedule for myself.


Okay... I'll come back and tell you how the meeting goes.

Please remember to pray for me and SS.

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