The Plan....

It is 8:15pm, and my baby still isn't up.

Hehe... I think the weekend wore her out.

So, I thought while I'm waiting for her to get up, I would update.

I have 10 days left at my current job. My last day is Friday, August 3. *woot*

Classes don't start until August 16; so I will have a couple weeks to get my house/books/bus routes/etc. together before school starts.

After I quit, here is the plan:

I will (hopefully) be the Preschool Coordinator at NCWC, which would allow me to make exactly what I'm making right now (in addition to what MM's paying me).

But, B and I talked last night, and he said, "We really need you to make $50 more each week. If you could do that, and if I could get this new job, then we would have enough to pay off all of our credit card debt by next spring. And if we can do that, then you might not have to work full time after you graduate, when I'm in student teaching."

What he said was making a whole lot of sense to me. So I didn't argue or say anything back. Still, I was heartbroken at the prospect of having to get another job... even if it was only part time.

He came up to me a few minutes later and said, "What are you thinking?"

I said, "I just want to be a mom. And I know that's something that is really difficult for us to manage right now, but I don't want to have a 'job' where I HAVE to be somewhere at a certain time everyday. There are days, especially after a busy weekend, or when she isn't feeling well, when CJ is just really fussy and clingy. She doesn't want to be put down because she doesn't want to be apart from me. On those days, I need to be able to stay home and just be with her. I don't want to have to load her up and drag her off somewhere else."

He said, "I really want that for you too. So... get going... call the girls about teaching the voice lessons... start advertising for your murals... put up fliers for English tutoring on campus.... do whatever is necessary so that you can set your own schedule and be able to stay home with CJ. I am not asking you to do this just so we have some extra money. I'm asking you to do this for your own sake, so that you can stay home more with CJ the semester that I'm student teaching."

It was a REALLY good conversation. It was the first time I had ever heard him say "I really want that for you too." Up until last night, I thought he just wanted me to work so that we would be more financially secure in general. At some points, I even thought he wanted me to work simply because he didn't think it was fair for me to stay home while he worked so much.

So it was AMAZING to see the transformation in his heart (which I have been praying for). He really does want me to stay home, but we really do need $50/week more in order for me to CONTINUE to stay home over the next year.

Another thing that has been coming up recently... It's something that has been on my mind a lot. And something that I think the Lord has put on my heart. Now, without really discussing it, it's on B's heart too.

I think we might be buying a house in Monroe.


That is where B's job will be.

It is also where BJ lives. And, I assume, where BJ and Anne will live when they get married.

My dad and most of his family live there too.

It's a quiet little community town on the outskirts of Atlanta. It wouldn't be a bad school system for B to teach in, and the property values are low enough for us to get a very decent home for not much money.

We are in no place to do that right now. But, in six months or so, when our credit cards are paid off, and B has the summer off, and we will be prepared to have another baby... we will be ready.


I'm really excited about the possibility of getting a real house. With a yard. And a dog. And a garage.

It's all very exciting.


That's it for today, I suppose.

I guess I should add that I'm not feeling so scared now. Friday was a really difficult, scary day.

But I'm just not allowing myself to go "there." I think I was just freaking out because my parents have always been "plan B." We have done what we thought was best, with the attitude that said, "If this doesn't work out, my parents will help."

So far, they've only helped us twice. One semester at Lee U, they bought our books. Last summer, they bought an A/C unit for one of our duplexes.

But now... there is no plan B. Our Plan B has become Plan A.

And that's a little scary to me.

But... the Lord is good. And He has orchestrated this whole thing.

So I'm not going to let myself get freaked out like that again.

Anyways... at 8:40am, I finally hear my baby stirring. I'm going to go get the bottle ready.

Tootle Pip!

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