A word from the Lord...

On my way to work this morning, the Lord really began to still my heart.

Right after I wrote my last entry, I began looking at houses in Monroe.

While it was really exciting, it was also stressful.

And on my way to work, the Lord began to download knowledge/wisdom into my spirit. It was like He was saying:

"I tell you things that are coming, not so you can take that knowledge and run with it. Rather, I tell you these things so that you will have the wisdom to recognize the timing when it comes. When I tell you about things in the future, DON'T start planning and stressing, because (whether or not you stress)in the end, you will end up where I meant you to be all along. Just be where you are right now. Have the wisdom to recognize the moves you are supposed to make TODAY, and leave the rest to Me."

So... that's cool.

Just thought I would write it down before I forget. Hee hee.

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