A Short Update...

Meeting with the Pastor of NCWC tomorrow morning. Apparently, the associate pastor who arranged the meeting will not be able to be there. Blah.

Oh well, Pastor is really sweet, and I'm sure it will all be fine.

Another little piece of news...

I know you all have heard this before, but B and I are looking into getting a dog.

This time, we don't want a "trial" dog that we will end up adopting out. We would really like a puppy (1 year old or younger) - either a schnauzer, poodle, or mix.

We were discussing the fact that, if he gets this job at WalMart, I will be at home by myself three evenings a week.

We could pay $35/month for an alarm system.

Or we could put up alarm system stickers on our windows, and get a dog (for my benefit).

Also, since I will be home a lot more, we actually have time to play with and train a dog properly.

So... the search has begun.

We did find one 8-month-old salt and pepper schnauzer mix in Alpharetta. I have emailed the adoption agency for more information. Maybe we will take a drive up to see him in the near future.

Before we make any decision, I am going to pray about it.

We really want a FAMILY dog that CJ can grow up with. Schnauzers are supposed to be wonderful for that - at one point they were actually commissioned to watch over young children.

And I think we have learned (from the previous two dogs) a lot about training and being the "Alpha" in our home.

So... we'll see what the Lord says... and what dogs show up.

Please continue to pray for the Lord's favor for B. We REALLY need him to get that job, and the hiring manager is supposed to be looking over the June applications right now!!!


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