Sooo... yeah...

I went to NCWC for the interview. I was interviewing for the position of preschool coordinator.

He offered me the job of Children's Pastor.


Pastor B had asked me if I was interested in children's ministry, and I wondered if this is what she meant.

So I prayed about it before I went into the meeting, and felt a peace about doing it.

Sure enough, he asked me.

He took me down to the children's church building (that's right... they have an entire building dedicated to children's ministry). Once we got down there, he realized he had forgotten the keys that he needed. So he left me in a Sunday School room while he went to get them.

Before I really realized what I was doing, I started cleaning and organizing the room. About halfway through gathering up the crayons, I finally realized what I was doing. And I realized how comfortable I already was in that department (even though it was my first time in that building).

It all felt very familiar... almost like de ja vou... and I recognized that the Holy Spirit had gone before me to prepare the way for me.

I think I'm a little shell shocked right now.

Growing up in a home with a Children's Pastor mom, I always SWORE I would NEVER be a children's pastor.

That'll teach me to say "never."

So... I told Pastor that I would talk with Brandon and pray about it.

I already know there are some things I need to change in the arrangement.

He said I would still be responsible for coordinating preschool... and for finding a preschool coordinator.

I think that's too much for a part-time pastor to take on.

So I think I'm going to say that I can't do that.

Also, he wants me to start a week from this Sunday.

I certainly can't do that.

I need at least three weeks to get organized and to visit other children's churches in our area to get ideas. I think.

Honestly, I don't really know what I need.

And that's another reason I need some time. I need to figure out what I need, ya know?

Other than those two things, the whole position sounds very doable on a part-time basis.

I won't have any office hours (unless I want to), except staff meetings, which are only twice a month.

He said, "To us, working smart is better than working hard. As long as you're getting the job done, I don't care if you never come on the church grounds except for staff meetings and church."

As far as finances... he said, "I can't offer you a specific amount until I talk with the deacon board, but we really have a heart for this ministry. So we will make it worth your while."


He also said that he would send me and B to any conference we wanted to go to. He said the church would pay for a really nice hotel and all our food.

Sooo.... I figure we'll go AT LEAST once a year to some conference on the beach. *hee hee*

Nah... for real, though... he said that he especially would recommend the one at North Cleveland COG. We could get a hotel in Chattanooga, and go site-seeing when we're not at the conference. Not to mention, they have one of the best children's programs in the Southeast. Another plus: visiting friends at good ol' Lee U!!!

Soo... it's been a big day.

In other news... B and I think we will be ready to buy a REAL house next summer. So we're going to wait until then to get a dog.

Good stuff.

Pastor Beth is supposed to call me later.

I think I am going to wait until tomorrow to tell them my decision.

I need to pray about it, and make sure that I am "negotiating" what the Lord would have me negotiate for this position.

Yup. Yup.

Big changes... really fast...

Anybody for a roller coaster ride?

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