G.W. and the Prophetic Word

I don't have a whole lot of time, as I am currently sitting in the library staring at a stack of leather-bound books, praying that somehow the ideas will leap out of those books, into my head, then onto my paper... which, by the way... is due tomorrow.

Soooo... dang.

Anyways, I was all in an emotional tizzy yesterday about things going on at the church.

I have taken on too much.

More than I committed to when I took the position.

It's my own fault. People asked. I said yes.

That whole fear of man thing.

I never understood when people have said, "I didn't have time for a shower this morning."

I always judged and thought, "How ridiculous. Just get up 20 minutes earlier."

Now, I completely understand.

I did take a bath last night, but I haven't washed my hair since Saturday.

It's Tuesday.


So I'm sitting here semi-clean with a baseball cap covering my greasy hair.

Because I have taken on too much... more than I am called to take on.

But the Lord has really helped me this week to stick to what I have committed to.

Yesterday, I worked on my house.

Yes, I have a clean house for the crazy week ahead.

Today, this STOOOPID paper.

Tomorrow, class and then getting ready for Wednesday night.

Thursday, running errands for the Fall Festival.

Friday, setting up for the Fall Festival.

Saturday, Fall Festival.

Sunday, preparing to speak to the congregation for more volunteer recruiting.

I have also almost completely cut out TV.

I watch Oprah when I can, and I occasionally snuggle with my husband and watch a movie.

But nothing extra.

Because in my free time, the Lord has been calling me to Him.

We have been in Nehemiah... me and the Lord.

Every chapter has a new, amazing revelation for children's ministry and my life.

I can't really write about all of it right now... maybe later.

Suffice it to say, I am being blown away at the strategies that the Lord has been giving me.

Last night, at our ladies group, I had several CRAZY prophetic words spoken over me.

One, in particular, will be ranked up in the top three prophetic words that have changed my life.

It's so hard-core, and so overwhelming, and so unbelievable... that I just don't think I'm ready to share it.

I think it's one of those words that I will cherish in my heart forever... but one that very few people will hear.

Praise God.

He is so good to me. And I am overwhelmed by the fact that He has chosen me.

I don't think I have ever felt less capable of doing the tasks He has put before me.

And it is beautiful.

One of the things that happened was INCREDIBLE!

As SS was praying for me, she was placing her thumb and forefinger on either side of my spine and pressing up and down my upper back.

As she began to do that, I felt God's power coursing through my spine. And I heard Him saying to me, "Backbone. I am giving you a backbone."

I literally felt my posture straighten and amazing solidarity in my core.

I can't explain it.

It's as, before this happened, everything inside me had been made out of jello - all jiggly and unstable. But then God came in and placed a steel rod through my core so that nothing was able to move any more.

That's the only way I know to describe it.

It is beyond words, I suppose.

Here are a few of the other things that were said:

"You are not lacking anything. You have everything you need to do this job."

"You are called to do a new thing, to cast away the old thoughts... and to renew your mind."

"Your strength and wisdom will come from your quiet time with Him."

"Because you treasure the small things, the Lord is going to begin revealing more things to you."

"You are a pioneer. You see and do things the way nobody has seen or done them. You are blazing a new trail."

And that is only a small portion of some of the overwhelming stuff that was said.

I really think there may have only been one or two other words that have shaken my world like the ones I received last night.


Anyways... I've been on here way too long. I'm going to work on my paper now.


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