The New Year of New Beginnings

I SO should be sleeping right now. I am starting to get up at 6am every morning since my first class in now at 8am. This means that my 12am-1am bedtime just isn't cutting it.

But after this crazy first day of the semester, I need some "me" time.

Well... it's a new year and a new beginning.

Things have been so crazy that I really haven't had time to reflect on what all that means.

I do know that my year is going to be CRAZY BUSY... but that it's only going to last 12 months - just like every other year.

And at the end of that 12 months, I will graduate. After that... focus on my children's church and HAVE LOTS OF BABIES! =)

The Daniel's Fast started two days ago.

It all came up so fast that I'm not even sure what I'm fasting for.

However, I have narrowed down what I am fasting. I'm not being nearly as strict as I was last year simply because of money and convenience, but I am doing what I feel led to do:

No sweets, but not necessarily no sugar. No cakes, cookies, pies, chocolate, ice cream, etc. However, things like can corn and orange juice - which have sugar - are ok. I am also sticking with sweet'n'low in my coffee.

Meat only one meal a day. I have to cook it for my baby and my husband; so I'm going to eat it too - at dinner.

No white flour/bread. No exceptions.

So. That's it. I really need to pray about what I'm supposed to be fasting for.

Yup. Yup. Yup.

I had a WONDERFUL trip to Memphis last week to visit C and her family. The girls got along wonderfully, and I was absolutely relaxed the whole time.

We went and got a massage together on Thursday night, which was JUST FABULOUS. But almost as soon as I hit the table, I felt an overwhelming closeness of the Holy Spirit. And as the lady began to massage each area, I heard the Holy Spirit begin to encourage me about the coming year.

When she massaged my hands, I heard Him say: "May they be nimble and soft so that you may be quick yet gentle in your responses."

When she massaged my legs, He said, "May they be limber so that you may forever be stretched - but never pulled."

When she massaged my back: "May it be strong and flexible so that you may stand strong when necessary and so that you may dodge the darts of your enemies while keeping your feet planted."

It was a really wonderful evening. I was so blessed by the whole experience.

As for New Years Resolutions, I only have one: Do everything, Do it well, and Be happy about it.

Hehe... I know this sounds silly, but it really is my plan. I have no choice in what I must do this year (at least, no better choice). I have to graduate. I have to work. I have to be a good mom. I have to be a good wife.

I can't get out of any of those things.

I had to do all that last semester too, and I was miserable. Since I was miserable, I wasn't motivated. And since I wasn't motivated, I failed at almost everything.

But this year will be different. I have no choice - so being miserable will not change that.

So I am going to do it all. I am going to do it all well. And I am going to be happy about doing it all well.


I have been fighting off negativity all day. I don't think I realized how negative I have become.

I criticize my husband too much. I complain about how tired I am. I make myself (and probably everyone around me) miserable.

So I'm going to stop complaining. And I'm going to be happy.

I have no choice in the matter.

Well... my eyes are drooping and I have a really busy day tomorrow. There is so much more to say, but it will have to wait for another time.

Love ya lots!

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