Much ado about nuthin'

I just submitted a paper, and so I have a few minutes to write before going to bed.

I am on cold medication which, as CERTAIN readers know, does seem to have an adverse affect on one's ability to make sense when thinking, writing, blogging, or commenting.

Still, I will press on so that you will not be disappointed.

Ya know... since the quality of your day all depends on whether or not I write about my rather dull life on diaryland.


Today was busy, but good. I'm really getting frustrated with the mural at NCWC. It has taken me SO LONG to finish, and it looks like a second grader did it.



I'm still going to finish it, leave it up for a couple weeks, and then decide whether or not to scrap it.

Stupid castle painting.

So I skipped class because I have a cold and...well... it IS Friday.

Around noon, I went to the church to work on the mural some more.

Ran by the fabric store to pick up a pattern for my Easter dress (which I plan on practicing with some goodwill bed sheets first since nice fabric is so expensive).

Finally, I came home, changed clothes, and put on my makeup just in time for B and CJ to come pick me up for dinner.

We drove about an hour away to a fish house to eat dinner with my mom, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, husband, and baby.

Yup. Yup. Yup.

Overall, a fairly decent day... besides the whole cold and cold medicine thAng.

In other news...

I lost yet ANOTHER pound! woo hoo! That's two pounds in two weeks!!!

It's still half of my goal (which is two pounds per week) but at least it's SOMETHING!

Although... I may have gained it all back at the fish house tonight.

Dang, those hushpuppies were good.

Oh well, extra workouts tomorrow. Yup. Yup. Yup.

Sorry, I don't have anything too interesting to talk about.

Lots of gossip going on in my extended family, but nothing worth talking about.

Ok... I guess that's it.

A note to the girls:

C, I'm so glad to hear that everybody is ok. Way to go in listening to the Lord's call for you to pray! God really protected them today!

AB, I just got your message, and I'm glad to hear everything went well. I'm sure Alli is right, and it is only a matter of time!

You are both b-e-a-utiful babes, and I love you very much!

Peace out.

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