Easter Aftermath

The weekend is over, and everything went relatively well.

I'd like to wish everyone a belated Happy Easter.

The egg hunt went off without a hitch. only a few things I would change:

1. No devotional...
Yes, I realize that this is a religious holiday. Yes, I recognize the fact that our Egg Hunt reaches into the unchurched community. Yes, I do see the irony in the church doing an Egg Hunt and not mentioning The Cross. But, the simple fact is that no person, no matter how talented, can hold a sugar-crazed six year old's attention long enough to explain - in terms that he will understand - what salvation is. I tried doing a mini devotional yesterday, and it did not go well. My church kids looked bored, and the visiting kids looked confused. All of them just wanted to get on with their day.

2. Designate a spot for sidewalk chalk or big bubbles (depending on the weather). There needs to be one more activity for kids to do after they have jumped on the moon walk and eaten cotton candy.

Yup, Yup, Yup.

The GREAT! FABULOUS! STUPENDOUS! news is that this is the LAST event that I have to do that will be compared to previous pastors.

I have already been through a Fall Festival... and now, the Easter Egg Hunt.

That's it.

Those are the only two big events that our Kid's Church has done in the past.

Now, anything that I do from this point forward will be NEW and EXCITING... and free from phrases like, "That's not how Mrs.K did it" or "Why are you doing it like THAT?!"

So... somehow... that is a huge relief: knowing that I made it through the two big events and SURVIVED.

I am supposed to submit my 2008 Kid's Church calendar this coming Tuesday in staff meeting.

I think I am going to schedule a couple "family movie night"s at the church. That would be fun.

And maybe a "Water Wars" night one Wednesday.

A trip to Six Flags.

Kids Camp? We'll see.

If we do Kids Camp, we might cut out a couple of the other activities.


So... anyways... I don't have to think about all that tonight.

As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to go take a bath and then cuddle up on the couch with a glass of wine and a good movie... not to mention a good man.

Ok... I'm out.

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