Just another Thursday...

Good day "off" today.

Chloe and I cleaned out the laundry room, swept the back porch (which had a pile of leaves about 2' tall - I don't exaggerate), cleaned my bedroom enough so that there is walking space on the floor, took a bath, got all the dirty clothes out of the bathroom, emptied all the trash cans in the house, completed four loads of laundry, and made lasagna.

Still to do:

Pick up the toys and sweep in the living room and dining room, empty and refill the dishwasher, take the lasagna out of the oven, write a literature review (due tomorrow), complete two more loads of laundry, and go to bed.

All in all, it has simultaneously been a relaxing, rewarding, and productive day.

That's quite a feat for a "day off."

I'm honestly just glad to have my house heading towards order again. It still hasn't "arrived" yet, but it's coming. Slowly and surely.


Tomorrow's to-do list:

Go to class, turn in paper, go to church, make shopping lists for IKEA and for lock-ins, finish all of the mural except stones on the wall, paint the first coat of sky blue in my student leadership room, get my curriculum to Mrs.K (who IS teaching on Sunday - yay!), and organize the kid's church room so that I'm not embarrassed when the previous children's pastor teaches on Sunday.

When I get home tomorrow night, B will be making hot wings, and we will have an entire season of "Heroes" to watch.

Good stuff.

Life is once again gaining some semblance of normalcy.

I'm not really sure how it got off track. I guess between spring break, no Thursday "Sabbath," and the Easter Egg Hunt, things just got off balanced.

Now, everything is finally coming back into focus.

As of this moment, my daughter is on the couch, in her pj's, curled up next to me, holding her blanket and baby, with her thumb in her mouth, watching "eee eee" - monkey - Curious George - her new favorite movie. When the music comes on (which happens to be by Jack Johnson - one of my new favorite musicians) she hops down off the couch and dances. As soon as the music stops, she crawls back up onto the couch and resumes watching.

I really love this little girl.

In other news, B and I haven't talked too much about the S.Korea thing. What has been said is this: B stated that if the guy wants him, and if he is offering to pay enough (at least what he would make here), then he is going.

The reason he will work there for the same pay he gets here is simply this: they will pay for room and board and health insurance. CJ and I would move in either with my mom or with my friend SS who will be buying a house within the next 10 months. We will rent out all four units of our duplexes and save LOTS of $$.

Actually, I think we might even work with this S.Korean guy to allow some of his American missionaries who are home on furlough stay here b/c it will be fully furnished.

So. Yeah. After we had that one conversation about it, we haven't mentioned it again.

Like I said before, it's not worth worrying about now. It's still a long way off.

Welp. I guess there's not too much more to write about.

I didn't get to work out today. I'll make sure to go tomorrow.

Yup. Yup. Yup.

Here is what I want to know:

C, how are you and your family? Any strange cravings yet? What are you "symptoms"?

AB, have you decided what you are going to do about your apartment?

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