Skinny Koreans... and such...

Well, ya'll, here it is.

Our estimated departure date: January 5.


January 5, 2009.

Less than six months.

I'm totally stoked.


In the meantime, I've really been on a workout kick.

I've never been one to jog, but in the last two weeks, I actually WANT to get outside and work out some of these emotions that wash over me. Jogging/walking has become cathartic (a sentence I never thought would leave my lips).

I'm also getting back into the Carmen Electra striptease work out video.

While I am WAY to embarrassed to actually DO any of those moves for my hubby, it's fun to think about doing them after I've lost... oh... say 100 lbs. (I wish I were exaggerating there.)

I am also getting excited about the possibilities that come with next Tuesday's appointment.

Because maybe it's as simple as taking a pill and feeling myself again.

Maybe it is...

Even if it's going to take extra work or a change in my routine... the bottom line is that, this time next year, I could be myself again.

And that's just encouraging, no matter what it takes.

Or MAYBE... he'll tell me that I HAVE to get Gastric Bypass... so I'll be myself again in, like, three months.

Yeah, that would be pretty awesome.

Ah, the sick fantasies of an overweight American.

Anyways... lunch is ready. Baby is napping.

I'm gonna go chill for a little while.

Peace out, ya'll.

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