TMI! TMI!!! TMI!!!!!!!!!!!

Well... can't get a test until B gets paid b/c I'm not going to take a taxi ride all the way across town just to get a pg test. I'll wait until I do our next grocery run. In the meantime, a list...

The reasons I think I could be:

1. About a month ago, I had 1-2 days of cramping. Thought Aunt Flow was finally showing up. Nothing doing.

2. Around the same time, my milk supply diminished and (apparently) started tasting funky b/c it is clear that MA no longer enjoys it. We had to start supplementing w/ formula.

3. Increased, ya know, stuff.

4. Sore nipples.

5. I'm hungry all the stinkin' time.

6. Cooked pancake for dinner last night, then couldn't eat them b/c the smell was so unappetizing. So I cooked a pot of soup and had the same results.

7. Weird, vivid dreams (started about 3 weeks ago).

8. Difficulty sleeping.

9. Upset stomach for a couple weeks now.

10. Hot flashes.

11. About two weeks ago, I had that "sinking" feeling... like all my energy drained through my toes.

12. I felt "the flutter"... once.

13. Extra oily hair.

14. Hair loss (restarted about three weeks ago).

Reasons I don't think I am preggo...

1. I don't FEEL pregnant. If it weren't for the "flutter" I felt the other night, I wouldn't even suspect it.

2. I'm not as tired/exhausted as I was with the first two.

3. No morning sickness.

4. My hormones have been so screwed up in the past, it is HIGHLY possible that they're just messed up now.

5. I was breastfeeding 100%. While it's POSSIBLE to get preggo like that, it's not very likely.

6. We use protection.

7. I haven't had a period since MA's birth. How likely is it REALLY that the "protection" didn't work on the EXACT day of my first ovulation? Seriously.

8. All the breastfeeding stuff started about the time I got so sick w/ tonsillitis. It could just be my body's reaction to being so sick, not eating, etc.

9. All that stress on my body could have jump started the hormone problems too.

Sooo... yeah...

I do know this, job or no job, if I AM preggo, I'm going back to the states in January. I am NOT delivering another baby in Korea. Ain't no way. Ain't no how.

Ok. Off to shower. Stupid oily hair.

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