In case you were wondering...

I think I'm a bitch.

It's a very difficult realization to come to.

But the evidence is stacking up against me more and more every day.

This was a rough week at work, and I have discovered that I'm not as good at communicating as I thought I was.

I even jokingly said to someone, "I think I'm the office beeeotch."

The response, "That's why we hired you."


It was funny. I wasn't offended.

But it's just more evidence.

I'm a bitch.

In my job, towards my parents and siblings, towards my close friends, in my marriage, even to my children sometimes... I don't like who I am.

It sucks.

And I don't know how to change it.

I just wish someone would have told me before now... I wish I knew that that's how I come across.


A big day at work tomorrow.

And I'm still a bitch.

Great way to start the week.

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