My first two short term goals

So... I'm starting with a few small goals.

My first goals are related to my writing. What I find is that the days when I make myself sit down and write are days that I am more productive all around. Something about that creative (and disciplined) relief sets me up for success.

But I'm tired of pointless, self-absorbed, fluid-thought writing (like what I'm doing right now).

I'm ready to finally commit to a project. Hence, my cooking blog.

So, for now, here are my two to-do items for that blog:

1. Give myself an hour to write every morning.

2. Give myself an hour to network every night.

The writing part has to be done before my girls get up, but I'm finding that it's actually a great motivator to get me out of bed early. I have moved my writing desk to directly in front of our big window. Now the thought of an entire hour of creativity all to myself sounds like pure heaven.

As for the networking, I can do that at night while B works on his class work. He usually works about an hour each night, and now I will have my own little project.

As I have time, I am also making my house a more manageable place. Since we moved, I feel like I can't keep up with the housework. Everything doesn't have a place, and the things that do have a place aren't placed practically.

I redid my living room 10 days ago, and already it is easier to maintain. Everything has a place, and the things that don't, get tossed.


So I'll work on my bedroom next. It is utter chaos, and I feel that it's a stressful place to sleep. Not good.

I will get to it as I can. No rush.

My only real "discipline" right now is in my writing. The other stuff will come in time.

Yup. Yup.

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