Valentines Day Blues

My Valentines Day:

I woke up this morning to a kiss from my husband, a "happy valentines day" from my dad, a messy house and this gift:

A box of chocolates from... the Dollar store? ...The kids aisle at Walgreens?

A parenting book.

A book on CD about politics. (I don't have a CD player in my house or my car.)

Can't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure he did all his shopping at the Dollar Store.

Got the kiddos off to school with all their gifts, candy, and cards.

Think for a moment, the teachers got nicer gifts than I did.

Shrugged it off and determined to have a good valentines day. He's never been very good about days like this anyways.

Ate the cheap chocolate. Marshmallow covered chocolate hearts. Yeah.

Chugged some Pepsi right out of the 2-liter. Not the same as Coke, but whatever. I'm out of coffee.

Went to therapy, in which it was decided that I should journal all my life's accomplishments. Yeah, I'll get right on that. There are sooooo many things I HAVEN'T failed at.

Went to Lane Bryant in a miserable attempt to salvage the day. Bought two shirts, 5 new pair of undies, and some ridiculously expensive lingerie.

Got a message from church that DR will be cancelled tonight.

Txt'd my babysitter to cancel 2nite.

She offered a free night of babysitting so B and I could go out.

Txt'd B 2 c wut he wanted 2 do.

He said we would do it another night.

Then he asked if I wanted to go to a varsity basketball game "with him."

I said... "sure"...

Went grocery shopping at Target. For the first time in a long time TARGET SUCKED ASS. Too many men. Too many cheap rose bouquets. Not enough miserable shoppers attempting to soothe their psyche with mass-produce household goods.

Bought 2 bags of Milano cookies: mint and orange.

Got in my crappy car and decided that, if I have to drive the crappy car that smells like men's gym socks, breaks down regularly, and has no upholstery on the sides, then it should at least be clean.

Ate all the mint milano's on the way to the car wash.

Washed my car. Met a man who was washing his wife's car as a Valentine's Day gift.

Ate 4 of the orange Milano's on the way to pick up Maple.

Picked Maple up from school.

Watched Chloe get off the bus.

Cleaned the kitchen while attempting to wrangle two sugar-pumped kids.

Ate 6 more orange milano's.

Husband came in the door. Oh, by the way, he has a JV game at 4pm that he "has" to go to. Should only be an hour. Then he would come home before going to the varsity game.

Got lectured about being over budget on groceries this month.

Found out that, at the varsity game, he would sit with the coaches "learning something" while the I would wrangle the kiddos as they came down off their sugar highs.

I told him no thanks and why doesn't he just stay home tonight since it's, you know, Valentines.

He said he can't. He has to be there.

I said, what were you going to do about DR?

He said he was going to miss the game for DR because, duh, DR takes priority over basketball.

My. Mistake.


Husband left for JV game "for one hour."

Made the decision to eat the rest of the cookies and wallow.

Turned on a movie for the kiddos, crawled under a fleece blanket on the couch, and went to sleep.

Woke up one hour and 45 minutes later. No husband.

Txt'd him, "1 hour? Really?"

"Coming home now."


He walked in the door all happy. Fixed the girls dinner. Gave them baths. Helped CJ with homework.

I wallowed. He ignored.

He put the girls to bed and left for the varsity game.

I'm still wallowing.... with a bit of a tummy ache... considering finishing off the milano's with a side of Pepsi.

Probably going to bed in a little while.

It's 7:32pm.


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