
And once again the monthly stress. Four days late this time. What's wrong with my body? Get on track, stupid! Anyways... I suppose another pregnancy test is in order tonight. *blah*

And once again another weekend completely devoted to the wedding of a cousin.

And once again, so much work to do this afternoon, and so little time.

And once again... I'm writing to you instead of doing that work.

I went on the Starlite! retreat last weekend! Absolutely wonderful! I wrote a letter to AB when I got home:

"I just want to tell you what a blessing this past weekend was. I have returned to my "normal" life with a renewed expectancy of what the Lord is going to do. But do you want to know what impacted me more than anything this weekend? It was the absolute, unconditional love and acceptance from the Starlite! girls. I feel as if I have been deprived of true friendship while here in Georgia, and what I needed more than anything was to know that unconditional friendship is possible... not only from you and C... but also from others as well. There was not one girl this weekend around which I felt in any way awkward, snubbed, or unworthy. I can say with absolute certainty that I have NEVER been in a group of girls this large without feeling some form of animosity from at least one.

That is why the necklace meant so much to me. I have worn it every day since you gave it to us. I needed to know that I am a part of something...but not just something; I need to know that I am a part of somebody, or a group of somebodies.

I guess I just want to thank you for being the kind of leader that girls like this want to follow. I believe that followers are a direct mirror of the followed. And your example is obvious in each and every one of these girls.

Know that I prayed for you and all the girls this morning."

It was an absolutely amazing weekend. Mrs.Sheilagh said that the reason I have been feeling so out of place here in Georgia is that I haven't made a connection yet. In the next month, there will be a supernatural connection with somebody that will get the ball rolling for our ministry. *yay* My heart is jumping as I'm writing this! It's so exciting!

There was so much more that the Lord ministered to me, but I should really get back to work right now.

C is back on track trying to have a baby. I really hope everything goes well for her this month.

And life goes on...

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