.... continued

Hi, I'm back.

After closing the previous entry, I decided to skip class. *woot*

I know, I'm such a slacker.

So... things have been going really well the last couple days. I don't feel like I'm walking around in a fog any more. I can actually think about the future without cringing. And it's not nearly as much of a struggle to get up in the morning. Two of the last three mornings I have been up by 6:20am making muffins and spending time with the Lord.

This morning I was up by seven. Most Tues/Thurs mornings, my husband gets up first, gets in the shower, and then has to drag me out of bed by my toes.

This morning, I was up before him.

It was refreshing to have that much energy in the morning... or at least to have any energy at all.

I can really sense the difference since I have been in the Word. I can literally feel the burden lifting a bit. God is doing things in me and for me. I have not sensed that in a long time.

Sometimes I feel silly looking back at all that has happened. I think, "Garsh, I'm so stinkin' dramatic." But when I'm in that moment when the fear and the doubt are so tangible, I don't know what else to do except to cry out to God and to the prayer warriors around me!

Anyways... I know... I'm rambling.

Youth group Blitz is this Wednesday night. I'm quite excited about it. Last time we had around 70 kids, and several got saved. It was after the last blitz that our youth group jumped from 20-30 kids to 40-50 kids. So who knows what will happen this week? Pastor A is talking about sewing and reaping. I think it's a good topic for the group that will be there.

It's going to be fun.

Well... I suppose that's all I have to write about right now.

I thought there was more... but I guess not.

Hope all of you out there in cyber space have a wonderful day!

Later Gator!

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