fellikerain & tea... together, forever

I now understand why the Brit's love their tea.

I have, in the past, attempted to substitute hot tea for my beloved coffee.

I tried green tea, apple cinnamon, peach, chai, christmas blend, and many many others.

But none can compare with the deliciously delightful taste of my smooth, bold Starbucks Sumatra, or my Jittery Joe's Venezuelan Dark Roast. I mean, even the Starbucks French Roast that I buy at the grocery store is better than most of the tea's I have tasted.

I have tried, I mean REALLY tried to substitute tea for my coffee. Last winter, I went 6 weeks without coffee. Green tea was my drug of choice.

But in the end, the thought of another cup of green tea made me gag. And I chugged a Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte with two extra shots.

All that has remained true until today. I had... in a moment of health consciousness... ordered hot tea at Jittery Joe's. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I immediately regretted my decision. So before he pulled the bag of leaves out, and while I'm still trying to maintain my dignity, I ask: "Do all of your teas have caffeine in them?"

"No, only the English breakfast blend."

"Okay, that's the one I'll have. I need my morning pick-me-up."

He smiled and opened the tin can full of leaves.

So I take my scalding hot water and my tea bag over to the condiments table. I place the bag in the water and watch the clear liquid become foggy and, eventually, dark brown.

I attempt to doctor it up as best I know how, based on Brittish movies I have watched.

Some honey.

A little sugar water.

Stir it with a spoon.

Dunk the bag up and down a couple times (I'm not really sure what this does, but I have seen them do it in the movies) and throw it away.

Then I taste it...


I could feel it burning all the way down my throat.

So I waited a good 15 minutes before I took my next sip.

This time, I could actually taste the now luke-warm liquid.




It is so very delicious!

I think I have found a new love.

Dear Coffee,

You have always been good to me. But I have a new love. He gives me energy without giving me jitters. That is something you have never done, and now I realize it is something you never will do for me.

Don't worry. I will return to you occasionally, but I want you to know in advance it is just a booty call. I will never love you the way I love tea.


Hehe... I know, I'm a dork.

You don't understand... it was the most lovely taste ever!!!

Dear Santa,

Please send me a year's supply of Jittery Joe's English Breakfast Tea.

I have been very good this year.


Okay... okay... enough with the letters.

"In other news....."

I pulled my INTL class up from an F to a D. *yay*

I have never made a "D" in a subject in my entire life, and until now, the thought of that grade would bring me to tears.

But I about jumped out of my seat from excitement when I averaged my grade.

"I'm passing!!!!"

When did I become that person?


Thanksgiving is coming up soon. A little over a week away. I am not making any "real" food this year. Only a couple Martha Stewart pumpkin spice cheese cakes... from scratch.

Look at me gettin' all stepford wife up in here. Holla!

It's quite different from last year, when I cooked two... list 'em...1...2... T-day meals. One turkey and TWO batches of everything else.

Macaroni and cheese. Sweet Potatoe Soufle (sp?). Stuffing. Gravy. Cream Corn. Pumpkin pie. Chocolate pecan pie. Apple Cranberry pie.

Lem'me tell ya, it was a busy week.

I think I'm going to miss that this year. Oh well.

I'm back at the bottom of the female family member totum (sp?) pole. My day will come, and by that point, I will loathe my duties as head cook just like every female before me.

That's life, I s'pose.

*oops* I didn't realize how late it was... sorry about the boring entry... I have more to say... I'll try to be back later today to finish.

I would like to give a shout out to my faithful readers (all 2 of you!) for your patience with entries such as these.

You folks rawk my face off!

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