The Guru and the Socks

I got up late this morning. My alarm went off at 6am so that I could spend some time with the Lord. But I was so exhausted, I turned it off without a second thought. I didn't wake up again until 7:15am. *garsh*

So in my mad dash to get out the door, I tried to find something decent to wear. This was made extremely difficult based on the fact that I have not done laundry in 3 weeks. I mean, I have done laundry, but just the bare necessities - towels, undies, t-shirts (for B) and socks (again, for B).

So when I opened my closet this morning I realized I had nothing to wear...literally. I had a spring-time overcoat, 2 formal dresses, and a summer-time flowy pink skirt. That was all that was hanging in my closet.


Then I remembered! I did one load of laundry last night, and... if I remember correctly... there was a pair of black pants in there!

So I run to the dryer. Lo and behold, scrunched up in the bottom was a pair of black pants! *woot*

Man, they really need to by ironed. Oh well, they'll shake out as I go about my day. It's Wednesday anyways, and we never have walk-ins on Wednesdays.

Then for a top... I ran to the bottom of my closet where all of my dirty clothes are piled about 3 feet high. About halfway through the stack of stink, I found a leopard-print flowy top that I did not remember wearing. "Maybe it just fell off a hanger into the pile, and it is actually clean."

It passed the smell test, and it wasn't too badly wrinkled. *score!*

Finally... shoes. I did actually know where my shoes were, but I went to open the sock drawer and... guess what?... empty.


By this point I am officially 2 minutes late.

Screw the socks, I'll do without.

Now you have to understand, it is 67 degrees and sunny outside. No big deal, right?

And once again, I reasoned with myself, "Nobody comes in on Wednesdays. I'll probably be stuck back in the file room most of the day anyways."

So I get here this morning, lead the office prayer,and get set to go about my supposedly uneventful day.

Then GB, my boss: "You girls need to get your desks straightened up today."

Me: "Why? Is somebody coming?"

GB: "Yeah [so and so] is coming. You know, the big commercial guru. He will want to see the office and meet you commercial reps."

*aaaaaaaah* This is one of the "big guys" in our company. He pulls lots of weight in the decision-making processes. And he's coming to see me... in my wrinkled pants... and no socks.

What the....?!?!?!

So I called my mom (who lives about 5 minutes from my work). "Can you please brink me some socks? or knee highs? or pantyhose? or something?????"

She said she'll try to be here before the guru arrives.

*oh Lord*

Well, maybe this is God's way of showing me that, if this thing happens, it will be completely of Him and not at all of my doing.

Or, it could be my way of totally screwing up something the Lord is giving me.

Hehe. Naw... my God isn't like that. =)

So... I'm off to tidy my desk. If anybody is reading this, please pray for favor for me! Thanks! Blessings!

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