Jazz, Lunch, Excersize... that's the life

I am so motivated to work today. *woot* That never happens. So I'm going to make this quick, lest I lose my desire to do my job.

I need some ideas for a cheap date tonight. There is a vocal jazz band on north campus tonight. We can see them for free, and I thought it would be fun.

B said it sounds boring.

I said I'm sick of going to the dollar movie.

He said see what else we can do.

I said nothing that is free or less than a couple dollars.

He said just look.

I looked.

I was right.


There was lots of stuff last night (Thursday) but not much tonight besides rock bands coming to several different bars. Since I don't like that kind of music, and he doesn't drink... I just can't see that being too much fun. *hmph*


I'm at a loss. I have no more ideas. I think I'm going to say to him, "Okay... let's just get in the car and drive. We'll decide where we're going while we're riding down the road... with one condition... we cannot go to the dollar movie. I'm tired of going on dates that include the phrase, "Don't sit in the broken chair" or "This seat smells like pee."


I don't know. Maybe I can talk him into the jazz thing. Or maybe we can just go to a coffee shop.

I think a bon fire would be kind of fun. We could roast hot dogs, sing songs, and cuddle around the fire. Aww... that might be fun.

"It's too cold." I can just hear him.


I just got off the phone with B. We are going to the jazz concert. *yippeeeeeee* We're going to eat at the house and then go downtown for the concert. I love this part of Athens - the availability of cheap cultural events. It's just that my hubby isn't very interested in them... and come to think of it... nobody else I know is interested either.

I really need some friends with similar interests. CT, a girl I work with, and her hubby might go too. They are into those things. But they are going to take some other friends with them.

That really sucks. You see, this couple is from Atlanta. He is here at UGA for grad school, and she works full time in my office. We have not been able to spend much time with them, but the few times we have spent with them have been great fun. I feel like we have a lot in common, and it would be an awesome relationship for B because it wouldn't be based on highschool, xbox live, or work. Also, it would FINALLLY be a mutual friend thing with me and B.

The problem is that this couple is busy every stinkin' weekend. They are either going to Atlanta to see friends and family, or their friends and family are coming to Athens to see them. Such is the case tonight.


I just got back from the best lunch I have had in a long time. We went to Last Resort, which is one of my all-time favorite restaurants. It's this little local restaurant in an old building with brick interior walls and an open kitchen. It's lit with white christmas lights, and it has about 15 different desserts from local bakers.

It's just so typically Athens. I love it.

CT and I both got a bowl of *yummy* soup (mine was a "gypsy stew" with sweet potatoes, cinnamon, and veggies). Then we split a grilled turkey sandwich and a salad. At the end, our entire table passed around a piece of heavenly chocolate cake.

My boss paid for all of it.

It was absolutely wonderful.

I miss meals like this: classy restaurants, female friends, conversations that don't revolve around football. We talked about what we are making for Thanksgiving, about local events here in Athens, about taking cooking classes.

I miss all that so much. I'm so sick of boys.

Jen and I have fun, but even she isn't interested in the same things all the time.

I don't think I've ever had a friend that would have loved to go to something like the "International Dance" on Thursday. I should have called CT. Maybe she would have gone with me.

I ended up not going even though I really wanted to.

Something about going into an auditorium and sitting by myself for 2 hours just didn't seem that appealing.

I feel like I'm missing out on so much because I won't do anything alone. There is so much I want to see... to do. But, really, what is the point if you don't have anybody to share them with? Isn't that the point of getting married? So that you have someone to share your life with?



As I was writing yesterday's entry about B not saying enough nice things to me... the Lord convicted me. He said, "What have you done for him?"

I proudly replied, "Why, I've done a lot. I cook meals for him. I wash his clothes. I tell him he is a good husband. I entertain him and his friends. Lord, you know how much I do for him."

"But what has he asked you to do?"


The only thing B has ever asked me to do to help our marriage is excersize. Even in our premarital counseling, he only asked that I play sports with him. (Something like tennis). And I have not done it... at all.

So maybe, he thinks that I am not putting any effort into the marriage either, because maybe what I see as effort, he sees as extras. And what I see as unnecessary, he sees as vital.

Does that make any sense?

All that to say... I am going to start excersizing, for the sake of our marriage. I'm going to take tennis lessons next semester so I can get the basics down.

I have to. It's the only thing he has asked of me.


Okay. I guess that's about it. I'm off to work now. *yay* for jazz!

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