
And so Thanksgiving is here.

I am thankful for so many things, it seems rediculous to expect me to remember them all in a day.

I have 20 minutes until class.

How am I to write all that I am thankful for in that short amount of time?

Here goes my first attempt... there will be more...

I am thankful for B. I'm thankful for his smile - the one where his eyes twinkle a bit as his left dimple appears and dissappears in the same moment - the one that doesn't require words because I know what it means - the one that can't be described in words because it is an intangible pleasure. I'm thankful for that smile.

I am thankful for my family. They always support me... us. My mom always finds a reason to tell me something that she won't share with anybody else. It's "our little secret," and I am thankful for it. I'm thankful for the rest. I am thankful for them. I am.

I'm thankful for my extended family. They are the foundation of my existence. It is because of my grandparents that I know I life lived for the Lord is a life lived well. My aunts and uncles are like my own parents. They understand me, and I am a part of them. I see pieces of each of them in me, and I'm thankful. My cousins... without drama, how boring life would be! =)

I thankful for my friends. There are no words. I'm so very thankful. They are my support and my place of release. C is my still waters. Jen is my encouragment. AB is my strength and support. The starchicks are my joy.

I'm thankful for my church.

I'm thankful for my God... for who He is... for the fact that He is. I can't even go there right now... perhaps another entry. There are too many words, too many emotions. I'm so very grateful.

These are the main things I am thankful for, in no particular order.

As I sit and think on all that I am thankful for... I realize a profound revelation.

I am more thankful for people, for individuals, than I am for any material thing. I am thankful for food, and my house, and my car, and my credit card. But none of those compare to the gratitude I feel for the people in my life.

The people have defined... and are defining... who I am. Not because I seek their approval, but because they are so much a part of me that...

... I am simply a compilation of many people.

I am my mother's kind eyes.

I am my father's leadership.

I am M&M's "mushiness."

I am Aunt M's care for others.

I am Aunt MD's hospitality.

I am Aunt R's smile.

I am Aunt D's sassiness.

I am Uncle P's humor.

I am Uncle C's shock factor.

I am GM's feet.

I am GD's values.

I am GM J's cooking.

I am C's confidence in the Lord.

I am AB's daring.

I am B's random comments.


And all of these people are made in God's image.

And all of them are in me.


And I am a creation of my Creator. My Father's daughter.


I am thankful.

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