The Weekend

Mondays. *sheesh*

Everybody is in a "mood," including me.

Well, the weekend was wonderful. I think that is what makes this Monday particularly difficult.

We went to the dollar movie Friday night and watched "Corpse Bride." It was a'ight. Nothing to write home about.

Saturday, I got up when B left for work and cleaned house. It wasn't nearly enough time to do everything I need to do... but it was enough time to get the dirty clothes off the floor and into a pile in my closet... and enough time to vacuum. That's about it.

I then went and got all of our Christmas decorations from my old bedroom in my mom's house (which is now being used for storage).

Then I went to lunch. This was the best lunch I've had in a long time. The food wasn't so great; it was actually pretty gross. But the company was fantastic. It was my Grandmother's birthday. So me, my mom, her two sisters, and my younger female cousin all went.

It was so wonderful. Sitting and listening to the matriarch of our family, watching the second generation interact as they have done since they were children, and bonding with a fellow member of the third generation. There was a power at the table. A feminine, stable, spiritual power. They are all prayer warriors, especially GM. And sitting there listening to them talk about family and holidays and birthdays... and hearing them laugh.

It was another mental picture moment. I wanted to stay there forever.

I think I recognize what is happening here. I was thinking to myself the other day... which I think God sees as a prayer at times... that I'm tired of constantly longing for the future.

I feel like, since the seventh grade, I have said "someday" or "in the future" about every wonderful thing in my life.

But now, as I look back on those days when I was wishing away for the future (which is now today)I regret not appreciating where I was.

I see this especially true since I graduated highschool.

My freshmen year at Lee, I missed B so much. I just wanted to be with him every weekend. I couldn't wait to get married, and I spent a lot of time on the phone with him.

Now I realize that I missed out on a lot of stuff. I missed out on "girl time." I spent more time talking on the phone with him than I did bonding with my suite mates.

I remember one weekend, my roomie was going to a winter formal. She had her dress and her shoes, and she was so excited.

Our suite mates were going to be out of town, and I was going to stay and help her get ready.

But B called, and he wanted me to come home early. I emailed my professor to see if it was okay. It was. And so I left Thursday night, leaving C to get ready for the formal all by herself.

Luckily, another friend of ours came over to help, but now I regret the decision I made. I regret not building that memory with her.

And I could go on for hours telling you about all the moments like this that I missed because I was wishing for the future.

And so here I am, wishing for the day when we are out of school. Hoping for the day when I have a baby in my arms. Dreaming of a time when my career will be on the move.

But I don't want to look back on today and wish that I had apprecitated the people near me.

People are what matter, right?

These are the thoughts that have been going through my mind recently.

And I think the Lord heard them.

And I think He is teaching me how to appreciate people, and the time I have with them.


Sorry... didn't mean to get off on that tangent.

Saturday after lunch, B and I went to a Christmas tree farm and cut down our Christmas tree. It was so much fun.

I grew up going to the farm to get a tree. B has never had a real one before. So it was a new experience for him.

Great fun. Great fun.

But because we got a late start, we didn't get home in time to decorate the tree together before the GA/GA TECH game.

So he left, and I called Jen. I had already talked with her about coming over on Saturday or Sunday. She said Sunday she would have to do school work, but Saturday would be okay.

But when I called her, she said she had too much school work on Sat. too, and she couldn't come over.

So, having no one else to call, I cut a big-ol'-honkin' piece of chocolate cake, popped in a chick flick, and proceeded to decorate the tree by myself.


I was kind of depressed. But oh well, B was really sweet when he got home because I think he could tell I was upset. I knew he was going to the game; so I couldn't get mad at him.

Oh well.


I'm going to Cleveland this weekend!!!! *woot*

AB emailed me and wants me to stay with her. I'm so excited.

I talked with C last night, and she seems pretty stressed about moving. But I told her I would help her pack on Sunday, and then she would feel better.

I'm really going to miss her. This time won't seem so bad because I am going to see her next summer. But then... who knows how long it will be?

*ahem* I can't think about that now.

I can't.


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