Oh, Baby, Baby... how was I supposed to know...

Feeling sooo....



Sore boobs.

Aching back.

Upset stomach.






And loving ever minute of it!

Everybody knows now. Everybody is happy (with the exception of my boss... who is, at least, accepting it now).

Last night we celebrated my dad's 50th birthday. N's girlfriend Nelle was there, as well as JB's wife M.

Nelle and M and I sat on the couch searching "gender prediction guides" and "old wives tales about gender prediction." Most said I was having a girl. A few said it was a boy (because I'm craving salty foods). A couple said it was twins - a boy and a girl.

Hehe. I tend to lean towards the girl. I've always wanted a boy first, but I FEEL like this is a girl. I guess we'll see.

I also registered. *woot*

And I'm making plans for rearranging the house to fit a baby in.

B is so funny. When I talk about cleaning out his "game" room and turning it into a "baby" room, he jokes and says, "A baby doesn't need a whole room. It's only, like, a foot long. We could just put it in a closet."

Hehe... so silly.

AB confirmed some stuff for me the other day...

My job during this pregnancy is to stay in the Spirit, to worship, to pray, and the trust completely in Him. As my mom said, whatever is in me, is in my baby... including the fruit and power of the Spirit.

Yup. Yup.

So I'm dropping one of my more stressful classes. And I told all my friends and family that weekends are now off-limits. I need them to rest and clean and organize.

Unless they want to come help me with any of those things... weekends are now all mine and B's. =)

I hope that's not rude. But my baby and my sanity come first. Well, God comes first, and in him I will find the security of both my baby and my sanity.

I was terrified to tell my dad that I might not be going back to school full-time after the baby. But he was the first to bring it up. He said that I am so close to graduating, he's no longer worried about whether or not I will finish. He actually advised that I should only take one or two night classes, even if it means delaying my graduation an entire year.


Being pregnant is actually kind of fun. I mean, the tired sick blah-ness sucks, but the people are great.

It's so funny to see people's responses. Almost everybody, men and women alike, rub my belly... that's an odd feeling. And almost every woman has some "motherly advice" for me.

One woman pulled me aside and told me not to have sex for as long as possible because sex early in the pregnancy can cause "complications."

Yeah, okay.

Funny, funny.

My dad acts like I can't do anything. He won't let me get out of the car until he opens the door for me, and he makes me hold his arm so I don't fall. *so cute*

If I'm standing, everybody makes me sit (whether I want to or not).

If I'm hungry, there is ALWAYS somebody there to fix me food... so I can "rest."

It's okay for me to say, "I really need to go home and sleep" because I'm not just being a baby... I'm carrying one!


I really am loving being pregnant.

I do have to get a "Snoogle" though. Sleeping is quite a task, and I can't EVER seem to get comfortable.

On my stomach... my boobs are too squished.

On my back... well, I've never found that position comfortable.

On my side, my stomach pulls and hurts my lower back.

I end up sleeping half-stomach, half-side, with my arms tucked under myself to brace my boobs.

I feel like the Snoogle will help.

Perhaps with my next couple tutoring checks.

Yup. Yup.

In other news...

Jen stayed up till 5:30am talking with BJ on Friday night.

I'm out of my funky Friday mood, and I actually was really excited to talk with her about all of it this weekend.

How awesome would that be if they got back together?

She insists it means nothing.

But she couldn't stop smiling.

Tee hee.

I knew it would happen.

Well... I suppose I should get back to work.


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