The Office Meeting... dun Dun DUUUNNNN

I made the decision on the way to work this morning.

I decided that I will NOT get upset about anything that GB does. I'll let him pitch his fits until he turns blue in the face. I will not let it ruffle me.

And now I'm glad I made that decision...

Because he scheduled an office meeting...

For everybody in the office...

Except me...

I'm not invited.

So as I'm typing this, everybody is in his office, behind a closed door, while I sit out here and wait.

He *says* he'll fill me in on everything they talk about.

I don't really believe him.

Good thing JS is in there. She'll tell me if they say anything about me.


I'm not upset... really.

I'm ready to quit this job anyways.



It has been an interesting last couple of days.

First, and most importantly, I saw my baby for the first time. Well, sort of. I saw the sack that the baby is in. He/she is still too small to actually be seen.

I'm only 5 weeks along.

5 weeks, 3 days to be exact.

When the lady told me, I didn't believe her.

I said, "How can I only be 5 weeks!? My tummy is getting so big already!!"

She said, "I don't know, but that's what the computer says."

I said, "Well are there two or three of them in there that are making me this big?"

She said, "Nope, I only see one this time."

Eh, what does she know. She's only a doctor, right?

hehe... just kidding. I am really excited.

B's mom had to start wearing maternity clothes at 2 months, and she felt the "butterfly flutters" in her stomach like I have.

So I'm not totally weird.

Then there is the other news I received...

My cousin K... is also preggo.

And our due dates are probably about a week apart.

I know I should be excited.

I know I should be happy.

And I'm really trying to be.

But, honestly, I know what this means.

Shared baby showers.

Shared baby dedication.

Shared everything.


I don't want to share.

I want to scream, "IT'S MY TURN! You need to be married longer!!! It's not YOUR turn yet! Go away!"

Still, I know that a baby is always a blessing.

I know.


So... I'm kind of in a weird mood this morning.

Honestly, though, I really do have a peace about everything.

I know that if GB decides to let me go, the Lord will provide for our needs.

I'm going to be a mom. That's all that matters right now.

hehe... I asked B if he prayed for the baby...

he said, "of course."

I asked him what he prayed.

He said, "I pray that it is safe...

... and that it is pretty."

*gosh* I love that man.

We got in a fight a couple nights ago. Nothing huge, just a reminder that we still are working on things.

I suppose we will always be working.

But that's the adventure in it, right?

Well... I suppose I should go... although I'm not sure why... it's not like I have anything to do.

I'm up at the front desk, waiting for customers, or phone calls, or something.

What a dull job.

Hehe... I can't wait to leave.

But I know I CAN'T move out of God's timing.

That would be the worst thing.

So I'm waiting.

I just talked with my mom on the phone.

She said, "Maybe they're planning a shower for you."

How naive, was my responsive thought.

Wouldn't they do that on a Tuesday or Thursday when I'm not even in the office?


Anyways... I'm off to see if I can eavesdrop.

Great fun. Great fun.

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