The weekend reflection

Well, what a delicious weekend.

My mom called and woke me up at about 9:30am on Saturday.

"Want to go to some yard sales?"

And while I can't remember the last time I bought something at a yard sale, and while I really can't think of anything I would need from one...

I really enjoy spending those Saturday morning riding around town with my mom... going on wild goose chases when signage is really bad... watching her find that "perfect" little table that she can fix or paint or do whatever she's thinking in order to make it "fit" in her home.

It's just nice.

I get news on the extended family. We talk about baby plans. And career plans. And Pippin, my dog.

So I agreed. And she ended up staying at my house until about 3:00 that afternoon "helping" me clean house.

I say "helping" because she actually does most of the work. I can't use the chemicals (because of the pregnancy) and a lot of the other stuff hurts my back.

She says she enjoys it. She says she remembers what it's like to be pregnant and working... and how her house never felt clean enough.

So until I can afford a maid, she wants to clean my house for me.

Sweet, sweet lady.

Later that night, I went to Applebee's with my hubby... then we ran by my office to pick up the cheesecake I had left there. Mmmmmmm.... Mmm.

Then we went home and made out in the car for a bit... then... well... you know... for the third time that weekend.


Yeah... so... went to church on Sunday morning... came home and had hot dogs for lunch... watched a movie... he left for softball, I took a nap.

Then Jen came over last night, and we watched "Pride & Prejudice."

Good stuff.

And other than the fact that I kept throwing up in my mouth (after eating a half jar of pickles) the evening was very pleasant.... pleasantly uneventful.

School starts back tomorrow.


Have I ever mentioned how much I hate school?

No. That's not true.

I hate having to go to school while I'm working.

I loved school once upon a time.

When I didn't have to get up early and go to work.

When I could focus enough on the school work to be top in my class.

When I could spend hours studying and still have time to go to a movie that night.

But now...

Now my work is mediocre, at best.

I do the minimum that HAS to be done, and sometimes not even that.

My homework is always late.

In one class, I haven't even taken the first two exams.

And why?

Because I AM TIRED.

And that's it.

I'm tired of doing everything half-ass. (pardon my french)

And I'm tired of not really learning anything.

But... just a few more hours of school... a couple more semesters... and I will be finished.


Oh that the day would come sooner.


In other news... I have a doctor's appointment in about 20 minutes.

We get to HEAR the baby's heartbeat for the first time. *how sweet*

So... I'm off...

I'll let you know how the appointment went when I get back.


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