Mother's Day

Okay... stealing a few minutes away from work.

This week with C was great. A lot of walking. And shopping. And just hanging out in general. Staying up late. Sleeping in.

Just what I needed... and hopefully what she needed too.

I'll have to write about it all later.

Got home around 7:30pm last night. My flight back was hell. I actually thought at one point, "I should have driven."

There were storms all around Atl, and we circled above the airport IN THE STORM CLOUDS about 45 minutes. Bumpy is not even the word. The whole plane DIPPED several times, leading to a communal *gasp* from all the passengers. *barf* Not pleasant at all.

Needless to say, I was thrilled to be on solid ground again.

Got home, hurried into some shorts and tennis shoes before hubby and I headed off to the park with Pip in towe.

B played ultimate frisbee for an hour or so. I walked along the wooded trails for about 30 minutes. I would have walked longer except this weirdo in the woods was kind of freaking me out. So I promptly headed straight for the frisbee field. Sat on a blanket as the sun set and played fetch with my dog.

Now who could ask for a better evening?

Got home, showered (since my muddy dog had jumped all over me during our game of fetch), and saw a little sumthin-sumthin on the table for me.

Mother's Day Presents!


B had a little note on notebook paper that said, "Sorry the house is a mess. I will clean it up. I love you, and happy mother's day." hehe. *too cute*

He gave me a little white rose bush to plant at our new house (which we close on next Wednesday!), and one of the Willow Tree figures (which I collect) called "Angel of Mine" (you can see it here:

*how sweet*

We then crashed on the couch to watch a movie, went to bed, *ahem*, and fell asleep.

It was such a wonderful evening.

Still, we ended up not getting into the bed until after midnight. Then up this morning at 7am (which is 6am Memphis time).

Work is crazy. But my boss has HUGGED me twice today. hehe... can't wait until my evaluation. He BETTER give me a stinkin' raise!

Speaking of work, I should probably be doing that right now.

Happy weekending!

PS. I have two goals for this weekend:
1. finish my math
2. clean out my car

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