
So, quite a week... as you can tell from the lack of updates.

No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth. Although, seeing as how the clock slows to an empteenth degree as it approaches five on this windy Friday afternoon, I kind of wish I had actually fallen.

Little recap of the week:

Last week:
JS fired.

All week:
GB gone on vaction.
On my own doing three somebody's jobs.

Don't remember most of it.
Dairy Queen hotwings were yum yum.

Don't remember most of it.
Softball game.

Attempted to close on the duplex.
Realized lender had incorrect address.

Actually closed on duplex (the next day).
Talked to C, whose baby better come by the end of the day today, or I lose the $5 I bet with B. (Then I'll really be broke).
Was offered an incredible job, with great pay, full benefits... which I turned down.

Had a little nervous breakdown this morning.
Recouped by the afternoon and have spent the last four hours doing yet another person's job (that's FOUR different people's jobs that I have done this week).

So... that's it.

To go into a little more detail about some key points:

Yes, the job I was offered is incredible. THEY called ME and said somebody had given them MY name. And the job? Director of personal lines accounts at a local agency. Yeah, that's big stuff. Pay? Almost $40k a year (keep in mind I would make about $24k right now if I worked full time and NEVER went on vacation). Full benefits, for my entire family.

Yeah, I know. A gift from God, right?

Afraid not.

There was a catch.

No maternity leave.
Full time, all the time.


So I said no
because my child is worth more than a measly $15k a year.

And the nervous breakdown?

We have two weeks to get stuff done for the new house, and people who have said for the past three month that they would help, are now backing out.

This leaves me and B to do just about everything.

And I, being preggo, can't paint, or do heavy lifting, or anything.

So it just leaves B.

And he is starting school in a week.


Enough for anybody to go mad, eh?

Okay... that's it. I'm going home.

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