The DayStar Prophecy

Went to Daystar last night.

One word:


The worship was incredible - like there was NOTHING between me and the Holy Spirit. It was free. It was intense. It was AWESOME!

Then came the time for the prophecies: Five people sat up front and looked out over the audience. Then they would say, "You, in the green shirt on the second row, what's your name? Well, God says..."

And you could tell they were dead on because the people would start smiling or crying or whatever.


We girls got there early enough to sign up for personal prophetic times.

So, when my time came, I went into a room with three people (P1, P2, and P3) and they began to pray and prophecy over me. Here is what they said, word for word:


Lord, Jesus, I thank you for Brandy. I thank You that even the words that are on her beatiful red sweater, that You're bringing her back to her roots. You're bringin her back to the basics. I see You taking her on a hike in the woods. It's fall. It's beautiful. And He's taking you on a hike, and He's bringing you back to the basics and to the beauty of His creation. Just simplicity. Lord, I thank You that You're bringing her into simplicity and child-likeness, just in awe of Your beauty and your presece, and Your creation,and Your love for her, Lord. And I thank You that You're breathing, You're breathing on her. You're breathing on her footsteps. You're breathing on her shoes. You're breathing on the place that she walks. Lord, I thank You that You are breathing on her steps and that You are holding her hand. And I thank You that You have a new adventure for her that You're taking her on a new exploration. And, this is cool.


Brandy, do you like shoes? I see you in a shoe store, and I can't tell if you're a seller or a buyer. But the Lord is fitting you with a new pair of shoes to take you where He wants you to go. They're going to fit you perfectly and they are going to be the most comfortable shoes you ever had so that you can travel and you can go and do His bidding without ever tiring out because it's His strength. And those shoes are beautiful and those shoes are perfect. And it's all about being shod with the Gospel of Peace. And those shoes are perfect and it's all about how beauiful are the feet of those who bring Good News. And you're going to bring Good News to many people because those shoes are going to take you a lot places. And you have the smile and presence of Almighty God all over you this evening, and when people see you in those shoes, they're going to say "You know what? This is really Good News!"

Brandy, the Lord has made you to be child-like and to be His child. Even by your namesake "Brandy" you are an essence of the Vine. And you're out, really, of the blood line of Jesus. Even after all the vine has grown and the fruits have been born, and then there comes the crushing of the fruit to make the wine and to make the brandy. You are the essence of the Lord, and with that comes all that time of growing and of harvest and then of the crushing of the vine, comes and intimacy with the Lord and a maturity that comes with the Lord. And also, because of all that time, a wisdom and a knowledge beyond your years - WAY beyond your years. Know that that is your namesake, that is your lifeline, that is your life blood - is the essence of the Lord Himself. He was the Wine; He was the Vine; He was the Dresser; He was the Vineyard; He was everything. And so you are the essence of Him. And it's no surprise that you like to wear red. You look good in red. Everything about you red red red! And your vessels bleed the blood of Jesus. And so you are a very special girl, who was set aside. Your parents knew what they were doing when they named you. And your life itself has a testimony in the life and the blood of Jesus. And, you know, it's not a suprise that the first miracle that the Lord ever performed what that he turned water into wine. And so, Brandy, you are a miracle. You are a reflection of the almighty. And I just love to be in your presence, Lord. And I thank You for Brandy. And I thank You that her blood runs true of Himself. And You are a joint heir with Jesus Christ. You are a true sister of his. You are his bride. You are his wife. You are his child. You are all of those things. You're not graphted in, you're straight in the blood line.

The shoes that P2 was talking about, it's cool you were talking about the red thing again. I just heard they were red. I heard you're shoes are red. That they take the blood of Jesus. Everywhere you go, there is going to be a treck. There is going to be a footprint of his blood wherever you go. And it's the Good News. It's imprints of the Good News. Every step that He's leading you in and that you're taking, is red.... is red.

I believe you're going to have a ministry to the Jewish people, because this is the gift, this is the gift that the Christians bring to the Jewish people. They understood what a blood sacrifice was and that they required a blood sacrifice. They just didn't get the part that Jesus already came and one time sacrificed for us all. I believe that you are going to have a ministry to the Jewish people and that what God has alread given and implanted in you as your namesake will be a witness. And it will be easy for you to even witness to the Jews about the blood of Christ and that He's already come. And that we do not - they do not have to live under the law any more. And that He has come and made their lives rest and easy and not of performing and not of stress and not of the letter of the law.

The Lord, tonight, is saying to you too that, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith that as you look to him, he wants you to go for the high calling of the mark of Jesus Christ. Forget the things that are behind you. He wants you to overcome. He wants you to overcome YOU. He wants you to get over yourself and some of the things of the past. Let them go. Strive for the high calling of the mark of Jesus Christ. And He's given you a new telephone system too. This is a verse I want you to have tonight. It's from the Lord. It's Isaiah 65:24. I'm going to put your name in it as I read it. It says, "And it shall come to pass that before Brandy calls, I will answer; and while she is yet speaking, I will hear." And that's a pretty good telephone system, that even before you call, He's answering you. And He's bringing some answers into your life. We've spoken a lot about things in the future, and you say "You know, I've got some needs right now, Lord." He wants you to know He's meeting those needs right now. He's taking care of them even before you speak.

I feel like the Lord just wanted to - well, you are from a righteous line. You've been reared in the Lord, your parents and way down the line. I just feel like that there is a heritage for you because of that, and that there's been a lot that the Lord has paved for you because of that. And there's gonna be - it's not that things aren't going to be hard, ever - but there's going to be an easy that you can walk in because they've paved the way, that the Lord has made that way for you. And that there's gonna be a favor that rests upon you with the things that He is calling you into even now. There's favor, and he wants you to know that there is going to be a favor that rests upon you and upon your family in the future.

Let's pray. I pray for you a supernatural revelation and visitation of Father God. That you would have a revelation of who He is. You are a child of God, you are a joint heir with Jesus Christ that you are already in the blood line. He's your Daddy and, as you heard in Isaiah in God's Word, that even as you cry out to Him, that He's already heard you and already answering you. I pray that God will give you a supernatural revelation of what it means to be a child of God, to be a joint heir with Jesus Christ, to have all the inheritances and all the promises that the Bible says you already have. For you to forget about the past, forget about the way you used to think, and step into your rightful heirship as a princess - a queen - in the courts of Jesus Christ. We know taht it's a Kingdom, and that you are a queen in the courts. That you would have a supernatural revelation of what that looks like and who you are. And just by your blood right, that is who you are. And out of just knowing who you are will be - your behaviors will change, the ways that you are thinking will change, your countenance, everything will change. Those things will just fall off of you like, "What was I even thinking about that for? I am a queen." And not in the sense of all about yourself, but because your Daddy God is the King of the universe. You are what He says you are, and all the promises of the Bible are true.

Father God, we bless Brandy tonight. Lord, we thank You for your Presence in her life - the Presence that is there that just radiates as it comes out all over her tonight, Lord. Thank You for Your manifest glory in her that shines forth, not for her but for You, Lord. And so, we speak direction. We speak healing. We speak the meeting of everything that she has, to be the person that You want her to be and that You want her to do in the service of the Kingdom, a princess who serves the King. So we thank You tonight for Brandy, and ask your blessing on her tonight. May she know your nearness and Your love like she's never known before, the King who draws herself to Him, who just hugs her, and loves all over her tonight.

And we place on you a gown of white linen, and we place a crown upon your head. As you come into the courts of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit - your new family - your new supernatural family. In Jesus, name.


That was the end of the recorded part. But as I was walking out, P1 said, "I did see something else, but I'm not even sure that I should say it.... Are you married?"


"You are? Well, nevermind. I must have been way off."


"Well, I just saw that you have been asking God for a Prince Charming. And God wants to tell you that he's coming. But, that doesn't make any sense if you're married."

Then I told her it made perfect sense! It was exactly what I had been praying over B about. That God would strengthen our marriage so that my relationship with him would be similar to the relationship I have with the Lord. And that God would begin to bring him into his rightful place as a son of God (a prince). And that he would walk in the authority and favor the Lord promises him.


So, that's it. I don't have much to say right now because I am still processing everything. Sorry for any grammatical errors. I was typing pretty fast.

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