More Randomness

Lots of stuff on my mind today.

Things I'm not even sure I can explain.


This morning, as I was washing dishes, a verse popped into my head:

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"..."Where are your accusers?"..."Then neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."

I'm not even sure what that was about, and I haven't really had time to pray about it.

Another thing that has been changing in me:

Ever since I had that dream with Luke Wilson, Ilittle romantic thing I see. tear up at the least

I cry while watching TV, commercials, movies... even just thinking about something romantic.

It's like really bad 24/7 PMS - but without all the anger that goes with it.


I just don't know what the Lord is doing. It's another one of those times when I feel like the Lord is doing something in my spirit that I simply don't understand... but that, at some point, it will all make sense.

So I guess I just need to accept it and wait.


C, I think you have a fair interpretation of your dream.

Another thing I might add is that God could be reminding you that you ARE on the right path. You ARE going straight; so don't freak out thinking that you should be going somewhere else or doing something else. That may make you feel like your swerving all over the road. I think He's just letting you know that you are headed directly where He wants you. So don't panic. =)


Well, I guess that's it for now. Like I said, I have a lot going through my head, but not much I can articulate.

I really should get to work...

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