Update Update Update

So I'm here today. At work.

I haven't talked with my boss yet.

I'm nervous, honestly.

I feel like I have heard from the Lord.

Work full time, ask for $3/hour more pay.


I think that last part is what I am so nervous about.


That's like a 20% raise.

That's pretty big.

But it's what I feel the Lord telling me to ask for.

And, dang, that's a lot of money. I mean, with the raise and the extra hours, I am literally doubling my paycheck.

And we were doing fine where we are right now. How AWESOME will it be when I'm working more.

But I think it's the awesomeness that scares me. Am I doing this because I want more money? And if that's the case, am I giving up time with my baby girl to get that money?

But... I honestly do feel like I am being obedient to the Lord in doing this.

And He will never ask me to do something that He cannot sustain me in.

And He is also lining things up for CJ's childcare.

Nelle, my bro's soon-to-be-fiance, is an AMAZING girl! She has kept CJ for me in the past as well as done some housekeeping stuff for me.

She is looking for a morning job.

So I told her how much I was planning to pay daycare and maid service weekly, and I told her that I would pay her that amount if she wanted to come to my house and keep CJ in the mornings. And since CJ takes a 2-hour nap every morning, Nelle could clean some during that two hours.

She said she would LOVE to do it, and it's actually more than she is making right now at her existing job.


So I feel WONDERFUL about having Nelle keep CJ at MY house in the mornings. Then the grandmother's are still able to get CJ in the afternoons. This also allows B's mom to see CJ more. When I had to be at work at noon everyday, she was only able to get her on Fridays because that was the only day she got off at 11:30am. But since Nelle can stay as late as 1pm each day, Bev can now get CJ on Thursdays too (as well as an occasional other day) because she gets off at 12:30pm.

So, that's good.

And... as I continue to pray about it, I do feel like it is for a very short time period... like it won't last forever... or even to the end of the year.

I feel like I may quit by the end of the summer... or at least go back to part time.

So, yeah, I just need to go talk to him.

I don't know why I'm so dang nervous.



In other news... we booked our Bahamas flight! *woot* I'll book the hotel today, and off we gooooo!

I am SO VERY EXCITED about all this! And I know it is the Lord that we even found this place! It is cheaper than Vegas, but it has casinos (for B) and beaches (for me)!!! **whoop WHOOP**

So. Cool beans.


I suppose I should go get to work now.

The Josh Groban concert was simply AMAZING saturday night. I just thought I would add that.

okay. bye.

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