
I am emotionally drained today.


Very dry.


There is a possibility I am going to a women's conference this coming weekend in North Carolina. (AB, I may need to reschedule Saturday. I will email you when I know more).

Basically, SS and I had both asked off work several weeks ago so that we both could go to this conference.

But GB said the only way we could both go is if we wrote 7 policies the week before we left. Otherwise, only one could go.

So, we agreed that SS should be the one going, and I would be the one who would wait and find out this week.

I honestly hadn't thought much more about it, assuming that we could never write 7 policies in 3 days (The conference starts Thursday morning). However, at lunch yesterday, SS and I started counting all the potential new business we have coming in this week, and there are exactly seven.

So, if everyone who says they are coming in, does in fact come in, then I'm off to Charlotte for the weekend!


Of course, my mom disagrees with my decision.

"You are spending too much time away from your family."


How can I make her understand?

I can't. And that's all there is to it.


I had a very serious (and emotional) talk with B last night.

I said, "I need you to be 100% honest with me. Don't beat around the bush. Don't sugar-coat it... Do you feel like I do too much ministry, to the neglect of you and CJ?"

He thought a minute, and said, "I think you haven't done anything that the Lord hasn't told you to do. And ESPECIALLY if you write seven policies this week, OF COURSE you should go."

He is an incredible man.


So, it looks like I am probably going.

My husband is okay with it.
Child care is all worked out.
MM (my step-dad) has offered to pay for conference/hotel/food, etc.
We are in the process of writing seven policies.

It's lookin' good.


I might, however, go up Friday (instead of Thursday). Somehow, Thursday seems overwhelming. I would probably end up riding with somebody and getting all hyper.

Somehow, I lonely ride very early on Friday morning sounds like a wonderful thing. A gift, really.

So, I will pray about it. And I will ask some friends who missed the first day last year. And I will make my decision then.


Mainly, I feel tired.

And overwhelmed.

And this is not from the Lord.

Because His burden is light.

But (and I'm being brutally honest with myself here) I haven't been in the Word.

At all.

For a while now.

And that is why things are becoming overwhelming.

I'm a brave little soldier. Trying to take on things that are so much bigger than me.

Without any ammunition or time to refuel.

How stupid is that?

I need to spend some time in the Word tonight. I really do.


I just (at this very moment) got back from my boss's office. He called me and SS in there to talk about this week.

He is being called off for a meeting on Thursday. So he said one of us could go up on Thursday, but the other one needs to wai


I actually have a INCREDIBLE sense of relief from that.


Okay... sorry for the randomness... I need to go start writing those policies.

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