Grandma Troubles

I'm going to have to have a talk with my mom.

I have to.

She has given me no choice.

There are no boundaries with her. She tells me what she thinks when she thinks it, whether or not I ask her opinion.


Two days ago, it was close to 80 degrees outside. CJ was really enjoying her toes, so I left her socks off. She was wearing jeans and a tshirt and no socks. The first thing my mom said when she saw CJ was, "Don't worry, I've got some socks at home."


I said to her, "Don't put socks on her. It's warm enough outside, and she's really enjoying her toes."

"But it's March, and babies aren't supposed to go barefoot until May."

Are you KIDDING me?

So, she calls me 5 minutes before I leave today to tell me that she is going shopping with CJ. I immediately panic b/c CJ doesn't have socks on, and I don't have time to go find any. So I end up being really stressed out the entire way to work because I know that Mom is going to say something.

Now, I realize that this is a very minor issue. I do. I realize I need to choose my battles. If mom says CJ needs sock, fine. Let her put socks on her.

But, seriously, there is SOMETHING that I am "doing wrong" almost every day. There is SOMETHING that she knows better about.

And I'm beyond the point of feeling like a bad mom. I KNOW I'm a good mom, and I feel like I am making very good decisions for my baby and my family.

But I AM at the point where I just can't TAKE anymore!!! I can't take the feeling of DREADING the drive to work because I KNOW my mom will be standing there with something to criticize.

And I have even thought about putting CJ in day care so that I can just avoid the "mom conflict" altogether.

But I know that's not what the Lord would have me do. I know that He has placed that safety net there for CJ so that I can have more freedom to do ministry and spend time with my hubby. I know that daycare is not the solution.

But, there HAS to be a solution somewhere.

Boundaries. It's all about boundaries. I try to set them up, but they are flimsy. And she crosses them every time.

CJ is probably staying with Gana this weekend (my dad's wife). There is no reason why she shouldn't. At first, in order to appease my mom (who can't watch CJ) I was going to call Bev, B's mom.

But I was praying this morning, and the Lord told me to call Gana. And so, I did. And she is going to call me back this evening to let me know for sure.

And if she says yes... my mom is going to FLIP OUT. Seriously. I think wailing and gnashing of teeth might be involved. Because, "It's not the best the for CJ."


The best thing for CJ is for my mom to GET OVER this thing she has against Gana and let CJ enjoy the blessings of having THREE grandmothers!


So. Anyways.

I'm going to calm down.

And then I'm going to pray... a lot.

I need wisdom. And couth. And (at the same time) boldness.

Okay... I'm done venting for now.

I did get to spend some time with the Lord last night. That did help some of the other stuff that has been going on.

Sorry for the lame updates recently.
Maybe I'll have a more positive one later.

In the meantime... I need to go write seven policies.


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