
So, I was just discussing my laundry problem with SS, and she came to a conclusion.

I have a laundry hamper problem.

Can you guess how many hampers I have?


That's right.

I have EIGHT (8) hampers.

3 tall narrow ones.
3 short wide ones.
2 little ones.


That's eight.

So, apparently, she says I must have some terrible memory in my past where I didn't have hampers or something.

I don't know.

I mean, the reason I bought the hampers was because I wasn't doing laundry enough. And so the clothes ended up on my floor. And I thought, "If I'm going to have this much laundry piling up, I would rather not have it in the floor." So I bought the hampers to keep it off the floor. But now it is overflowing the hampers into the floors anyway.

She says I should get rid of four of the hampers. I should have one in CJ's room. One in our bedroom. One in the laundry room. And one for collecting/folding/putting away.

What do you think?

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