
Having major issues this morning.

I think I've reverted to my five-year-old self.

My mom made an "ugly" comment on my voice mail earlier, but not something that I would normally get too upset about. But I called her back and told her what-for. *gosh* Now I totally regret it because we were finally getting things back on track after the last "talk" we had.

I really think I'm having major anger issues.

Last week, I spent most of the week angry with my husband.

It's like I have no mercy for other people's mistakes. A person says one wrong thing to me, and I go off in my head about how TERRIBLE it was for them to say/do that and how I am going to "respond" to them the next time I see them. In my head, these "responses" never end well.

I just get so angry over the smallest thing. And that really isn't like me.

I almost wonder if it is a hormonal thing. I remember being like this when I first started Birth Control.

I just don't know what's going on.

Maybe I just need a vacation.

I didn't get to go on the SPA retreat with our youth this weekend because CJ was sick (again). While I had a peace about my decision, I was really disappointed that I didn't get to go. I didn't go to Morningstar because I had to work. I didn't go to the retreat because I'm a mom.

I think I'm feeling a little trapped these days.

Okay... enough griping.

Guess what my husband bought for me this weekend?

I've been asking for one for almost six months now, but I didn't think he would actually go for it....


I was totally jammin' on it this morning while watching Regis & Kelly. I'm so stoked!

I had to rearrange my furniture in order to fit it into my living room. But, after all is said and done, I think it totally works!

Speaking of my house, I have let my housework get totally out of control. So I have (once again) started my flylady routine.

I have a few goals for this week:

Thoroughly clean every room in my house during CJ's morning nap.

Monday:Living Room (check)
Tuesday: Kitchen
Wednesday: Dining Room
Thursday: Baby's room
Friday: My room

I will work on the bathrooms a little each day, and I plan to work on the laundry room once my laundry is all caught up.

Which reminds me, I plan to do at least two loads of laundry per day. One in the mornings and one in the evenings.

I also plan to do at least 20min per day on the elliptical, even if it has to be in 5min increments (like this morning).

So, that's my goal for the week.

I really need to set some work goals because it is getting more and more difficult to get stuff done here. I'm SO VERY bored.

I really need a vacation.

Okay... I guess I will get to work now. I hope everybody had a great weekend!

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